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How to Request Tokens

As part of the GridFTP and GSI migration, the OSG will be transitioning authentication away from X.509 certificates to the use of bearer tokens such as SciTokens or WLCG JWT. This document is intended as a guide for OSG developers for requesting tokens necessary for software development.

Before Starting

Before you can request the appropriate tokens, you must have the following:

  • A WLCG INDIGO IAM account belonging to the wlcg, wlcg/pilots, and wlcg/xfers groups.
  • One of the following:
    • The ability to run containers through tools like docker or podman
    • An installation of oidc-agent available as an RPM from the OSG repositories

Requesting Tokens Using a Container

oidc-agent is a process that runs in the background that can request access and refresh tokens from OpenID Connect token providers.

Registering an OIDC profile

  1. Start an agent container in the background and name it my-agent to easily run subsequent commands against it:

    docker run -d --name my-agent opensciencegrid/oidc-agent:3.6-release
  2. Generate a local client profile and follow the prompts:

    docker exec -it my-agent oidc-gen -w device <CLIENT PROFILE>
    1. Specify the WLCG INDIGO IAM instance as the client issuer:

      Issuer []:
    2. Request wlcg, offline_access, and other scopes for the capabilities that you need:

      Capability Scope
      HTCondor READ
      HTCondor WRITE compute.modify compute.cancel compute.create
      XRootD read
      XRootD write storage.modify:/

      For example, to request HTCondor READ and WRITE access, specify the following scopes:

      This issuer supports the following scopes: openid profile email address phone offline_access wlcg iam wlcg.groups
      Space delimited list of scopes or 'max' [openid profile offline_access]: wlcg offline_access compute.modify compute.cancel compute.create

      Note that, prior to HTCondor 8.9.7, the server also needed condor:/ALLOW in all cases.

    3. When prompted, open in a browser, enter the code provided by oidc-gen, and click "Submit".

    4. On the next page, verify the scopes and client profile name, and click "Authorize".

    5. Enter a password to encrypt your local client profile. You'll need to remember this if you want to re-use this profile in subsequent sessions.

Requesting access tokens


You must first register a new profile.

  1. Request a token using the client profile that you used with oidc-gen:

    docker exec -it my-agent oidc-token --aud="<SERVER AUDIENCE>" <CLIENT PROFILE>

    For tokens used against an HTCondor-CE, set <SERVER AUDIENCE> to
    <CE FQDN>:<CE PORT>.

  2. Copy the output of oidc-token into a file on the host where you need SciToken authentication, e.g. an HTCondor or XRootD client.

Reloading an OIDC profile


Required after restarting the running container. You must have an existing registered profile.

  1. If your existing container is not already running, start it:

    docker start my-agent
  2. Reload profile:

    docker exec -it my-agent oidc-add <CLIENT PROFILE>
  3. Enter password used to encrypt your <CLIENT PROFILE> created during profile registration.

Requesting Tokens with an RPM installation

Registering an OIDC profile

  1. Start the agent and add the appropriate variables to your environment:

    eval `oidc-agent`
  2. Generate a local client profile and follow the prompts:

    oidc-gen -w device <CLIENT PROFILE>
    1. Specify the WLCG INDIGO IAM instance as the client issuer:

      Issuer []:
    2. Request wlcg, offline_access, and other scopes for the capabilities that you need:

      Capability Scope
      HTCondor READ
      HTCondor WRITE compute.modify compute.cancel compute.create
      XRootD read read:/
      XRootD write write:/
      For example, to request HTCondor READ and WRITE access, specify the following scopes:
      This issuer supports the following scopes: openid profile email address phone offline_access wlcg iam wlcg.groups
      Space delimited list of scopes or 'max' [openid profile offline_access]: wlcg offline_access compute.modify compute.cancel compute.create

      Note that, prior to HTCondor 8.9.7, the server also needed condor:/ALLOW in all cases.

    3. When prompted, open in a browser, enter the code provided by oidc-gen, and click "Submit".

    4. On the next page, verify the scopes and client profile name, and click "Authorize".

    5. Enter a password to encrypt your local client profile. You'll need to remember this if you want to re-use this profile in subsequent sessions.

Requesting access tokens


You must first register a new profile.

  1. Request a token using the client profile that you used with oidc-gen:

    oidc-token --aud="<SERVER AUDIENCE>" <CLIENT PROFILE>

    For tokens used against an HTCondor-CE, set <SERVER AUDIENCE> to
    <CE FQDN>:<CE PORT>.

  2. Copy the output of oidc-token into a file on the host where you need SciToken authentication, e.g. an HTCondor or XRootD client.

Reloading an OIDC profile


Required if you log out of the running machine. You must have an existing registered profile.

  1. If you do not already have a running 'oidc-agent', start one:

    eval 'oidc-agent'
  2. Reload profile:

    oidc-add <CLIENT PROFILE>
  3. Enter password used to encrypt your <CLIENT PROFILE> created during profile registration.

Troubleshooting Tokens

You can inspect the payload by copy-pasting the token into the "Encoded" text box here: Mouse over the fields and values for details.