OSG School

The OSG Consortium runs the OSG School, an annual education event for researchers who want to learn to use DHTC methods and tools. It is held each summer at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

OSG School 2024 Group Photo


During this week-long training event, students learn to use high-throughput computing (HTC) systems — at their own campus or using the OSG — to run large-scale computing applications that are at the heart of today’s cutting-edge science. Through lectures, discussions, and lots of hands-on activities with experienced OSG staff, students will learn how HTC systems work, how to run and manage lots of jobs and huge datasets, to implement a scientific computing workflow, and where to turn for more information and help.

The School is ideal for graduate students in any science or research domain where large-scale computing is a vital part of the research process, plus we will consider applications from advanced undergraduates, post-doctoral students, faculty, and staff. Students accepted to this program will receive financial support for basic travel and local costs associated with the School.

Next OSG School

The OSG School 2025 is scheduled for June 23–27. Please visit the OSG School 2025 website for all the details!


The OSG User School (as it was called then) was held virtually in 2020 and 2021, which means that we were able to record lectures to complement lecture and exercise materials!

Past OSG Schools and Materials

David Swanson Award

To honor our late colleague David Swanson, the OSG Consortium created an award to acknowledge OSG School students who have achieved significant dHTC-enabled research outcomes. You can read more on the David Swanson Award page.