Celebrating a dynamic OSG All-Hands Meeting 2022
April 11, 2022

In March, 251 OSG users, resource providers, and staff convened virtually for the OSG All-Hands Meeting 2022. A benefit of this year’s virtual format, all talks from the meeting are avaliable to watch on the OSG YouTube Channel. Reflective of the mission of the OSG Consortium, the meeting builds upon the goals central to the organization –– advancing open science via the practice of distributed high-throughput computing. This annual celebration of science has a reputation for both introducing researchers to services that transform their work, and also for cultivating discussion about how OSG can better serve the research community –– the OSG All-Hands Meeting 2022 was no exception to this rich history of transformation and discussion.
The meeting kicked off with a series of introductory talks on the PATh Project, the OSG Consortium, and the new PATh Facility. A highlight of the All-Hands Meeting each year, the David Swanson Memorial Award was presented to Colorado School of Mines PhD Student Connor Natzke, who gave an illuminating talk about how OSG services have impacted his investigations of the strong nuclear force. This exciting first day was wrapped up with a collection of talks given by researchers from a variety of scientific domains who use the Open Science Pool (OSPool) to advance their research. Watch David Swanson Awardee Connor Natzke’s presentation below, and browse the complete playlist of day one recordings.
On day two of the meeting, attendees focused on democratizing access to cyberinfrastructure. During the morning session, OSG Executive Director Frank Würthwein and NSF Program Director Kevin Thompson each delivered presentations on this topic, with Thompson highlighting how many of NSF’s priorities support the goal of democratizing access to cyberinfrastructure. In a similar thread, presenters Alan Blatecky, Joel Gerschenfeld, and Lauren Micheal discussed the urgent need to address disparities across underrepresented communities in terms of computation, software, and data. Rounding out the morning session, Ana Hunsinger and Lawrence Williams of Internet2 shared about their collaboration with several minority-serving institutions through the Minority Serving – Cyberinfrastructure Consortium (MS-CC). Day two’s afternoon session included a presentation from OSG staff about the services that OSG provides to campuses, and also a series of presentations from the campuses themselves, sharing their successes and challenges with incorporating OSG access points for their campus researchers and contributing resources to OSG. Watch the Missing Millions talk below, and browse the complete collection of talks from day two.
The third day of the All-Hands Meeting began with a series of talks centered around the theme, ‘Integrating a Diversity of Capacity Resources into dHTC Pools’. OSG Technical Director Miron Livny discussed Access Points, and Frank Würthwein shared about the relationship between OSG and NRP. Additionally, Enol Fernandez and Gergely Sipos of EGI explained their goals of expanding their organization’s computing landscape, and Andrew Grimshaw presented on Lancium’s green, low-cost cloud computing. The second half of the day featured a variety of talks about OSG technology; including a token transition update, information on handling tokens with Vault, updates on the OSDF monitoring system, and a look into Kubernetes at the University of Chicago. Watch Andrew Grimshaw’s presentation on Lancium below, and browse all of the talks from day three on YouTube.
Day four of the All-Hands Meeting focused on multi-institutional collaborations that use OSG services. After a short introduction from OSG staff, representatives from LIGO, IceCube, Rubin Observatory, the SPT-3 and CMB-S4 experiments, and Fermilab’s Muon g-2 experiment each gave overviews of the ways that their collaboration uses OSG services. Watch the SPT-3 and CMB-S4 talk below, and browse the complete playlist of talks from day four.
The final day of OSG All-Hands Meeting 2022 was a joint effort between OSG and the U.S. LHC. The morning session covered common needs and development for XrootD, network activities and plans, and a discussion on HPC and clouds. In the afternoon, attendees discussed the IRIS-HEP Analysis Grand Challenge, token transitions in the context of GSI retirement, and caching and data lake infrastructure. Watch the Network Activities and Plans talk below, and browse all day 5 talks on YouTube.
We’re deeply grateful for all the speakers, staff, and attendees who contributed to OSG All-Hands Meeting 2022. Thank you for fostering an innovative and supportive community. We hope to see you next year!
Browse the complete collection of videos from the OSG All-Hands Meeting 2022 on OSG’s YouTube channel. To view slide decks, visit the Indico event website. Learn more about the OSG All-Hands Meeting 2022, and browse the rich history of past OSG All-Hands Meetings.