Past Event | November 13

Learn How to Share Data in the OSDF
The Open Science Data Federation (OSDF) is an OSG service designed to support the sharing of files staged in autonomous “origins”, for efficient access to those files from anywhere in the world via a global namespace and network of caches.
The OSDF is powered by the Pelican Platform, a tool that makes it easier to deliver data. One of its core components is the data origin, a service that makes it possible to access data sets through a client.
In this training, we will provide an introduction to Pelican and the OSDF, and then dive into a hands-on example of how to launch your own Pelican Origin service for integrating into an existing Pelican Data Federation, such as the OSDF.
Training is a mix of presentation and hands-on.
Research data managers, including campus system administrators.
Wednesday, November 13, 10:45am - 12:15pm CT
We provide ongoing support via email to [email protected], and it’s never a bad idea to start by sending questions or issues via email. You can typically expect a first response within a few business hours.