Past Event | September 20-24

European HTCondor Workshop Sept 20 - 24
Save the Date for the European HTCondor Workshop Sept 20 - 24!
The European HTCondor Workshop will be held from Monday 20 September to Friday 24 September 2021. Mark your calendars!
Due to the current pandemic still largely impacting international travel, the workshop will be held purely virtually. (We warmly thank INFN Torino in Italy for the proposal to host.)
The workshop will be organized as videoconference and/or Webcast sessions of about three hours per day, probably somewhere between 15:00 h and 19:00 h Paris time (13:00 h - 17:00 h UTC, 8 am - 12 am CDT).
The workshop will be an excellent occasion for learning from the sources (the developers!) about HTCondor, exchanging with your colleagues about experiences and plans, and providing your feedback to the experts. The HTCondor Compute Element (CE) will be covered as well. Participation is open to all organisations (including companies) and persons interested inHTCondor (and by no means restricted to particle physics and/or academia!) If you know potentially interested persons, don’t hesitate to make them aware of this opportunity.
The workshop will cover both using and administering HTCondor; topics will be chosen to best match participants’ interests (see below).
Attendance is free of charge, but requires registration (see below).
If you consider attending, we would very much like to know about your project, your experience and your plans. Hence you are warmly encouraged to propose a short presentation.
Registration and abstract submission are now open. The registration deadline is September 24, 2021 and the deadline to submit an abstract is September 12, 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
We are looking forward to a rich, productive workshop, and we hope to meet many of you at the virtual workshop!
Todd Tannenbaum HTCondor Technical Lead, U Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Sept 20 - 24 2021
Likely 15:00 h and 19:00 h Paris time (13:00 h - 17:00 h UTC, 8 am - 12 am CDT).
Virtual This Year
No fees, but registration is required.
Register before September 24, 2021
Submit an abstract before September 12, 2021
Contact us at [email protected].