OSG Support for COVID-19 Research
Please contact us at [email protected] if your research group could benefit from computing resources or consulting related to COVID-19, or if you would like to support COVID-19 research by sharing your own capacity.
OSG is helping to organize extra resources to be made available to COVID-19 research! These resources include:
- Capabilities for a variety of computational research tasks. See Computation on the OSPool.
- Proactive consultation and facilitation for quickly scaling up and automating workloads with up to thousands of concurrently-running jobs.
- Access to significant computing capacity through the OSG Connect service, which provides a batch system submit environment based on HTCondor (allowing up to millions of jobs submitted via a simple submit file). The OSG aggregates more than 100 clusters across the US, and COVID-19 projects have concurrently accessed tens of thousands of cores through this mechanism.
- Expertise for maximizing research throughput, including help with workflow design and development.
COVID-19 researchers can access OSG through the Open Science Pool (e.g., the “osg
VO”), whether
via the OSG Connect service, or by coordinating
with us to route work from other submission points.
Sites Supporting COVID-19 Research
See a summary of COVID-19 projects and their usage on different sites in our dedicated COVID-19 accounting page.
Any computing resource provider supporting the osg
VO (“Open Science Pool”, see above) is likely already providing hours
to support COVID-19. If you would like to provide additional resources exclusive for COVID-19,
instructions are available.
Other Activities
OSG participates in the COVID-19 HPC consortium, a broad consortium of industry, academia, and national labs to make a diverse set of computing resources available for research. The COVID-19 HPC consortium meets daily to review requests from researchers.
Science Responds is a broad COVID-19 response effort from the scientific community.
The IRIS-HEP software institute provides effort to the OSG through its OSG-LHC area; it has been coordinating additional COVID-19 activities.
OSG is participating in the WLCG COVID-19 task force (and broadly with computing organizations in Europe) to make LHC resources available to COVID-19 research.
OSG and EGI are joining forces to commit specialized technical support, specialized simulation tools, and compute and storage resources, to accelerate progress on COVID-19 research.
OSG supports the Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI), which is coordinating and has built the COVID-19 Molecular Structure and Therapeutics Hub.