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Updating to OSG 3.6

OSG 3.6 (the new series) is a major overhaul of the OSG software stack compared to OSG 3.5 (the old series) with changes to core protocols used for authentication and data transfer. See this page for more details regarding this transition.

Depending on the collaboration(s) that you support, updating to the new series could result in issues with your site receiving pilot jobs and/or issues with data transfer. See the list of services below for any special considerations for the OSG 3.6 update:

  • Compute Entrypoints should be updated to OSG 3.6 with care:

    • If the collaborations that you support have NOT moved to bearer token pilot job submission, update to HTCondor-CE 5 available in OSG 3.5 upcoming to help your collaborations transition to bearer tokens.

      OSG 3.5 end-of-life

      OSG 3.5 support is scheduled to end on May 1, 2022. If your collaboration does not yet support token-based pilot job submission, please contact them directly for their timeline.

  • XRootD will continue to support GSI and VOMS proxies in OSG 3.6 through plugins that do not use the Grid Community Toolkit libraries. Therefore, XRootD hosts (i.e., standalone installations, caches and origins) should be updated to OSG 3.6 as soon as possible. Some config changes will be necessary; see the XRootD auth update instructions for specifics.

  • GridFTP services should be replaced with an installation of XRootD standalone.

  • HTCondor pools and access points should be updated to OSG 3.6 as soon as possible. Note that any pools using GSI authentication will need to transition to a different authentication method, such as IDTOKENS.

  • All other services (e.g., OSG Worker Node clients, Frontier Squids) should be updated to OSG 3.6 as soon as possible.

Updating the OSG Repositories

Python 3 support

Many software packages, such as HTCondor and HTCondor-CE, use Python 3 scripts. If you are using Enterprise Linux 7, you must upgrade to at least version 7.8 for Python 3 support.


Before updating the OSG repository, be sure to turn off any OSG services. Consult the sections below that match your situation.

  1. Clean the yum cache:

    root@host # yum clean all --enablerepo=*
  2. Disable to upcoming repository:

    yum-config-manager --disable osg-upcoming
  3. Remove the old series Yum repositories:

    root@host # rpm -e osg-release

    This step ensures that any local modifications to *.repo files will not prevent installing the new series repos. Any modified *.repo files should appear under /etc/yum.repos.d/ with the *.rpmsave extension. After installing the new OSG repositories (the next step) you may want to apply any changes made in the *.rpmsave files to the new *.repo files.

  4. Update your Yum repositories to OSG 3.6

  5. Update software:

    root@host # yum update


    • Please be aware that running yum update may also update other RPMs. You can exclude packages from being updated using the --exclude=[package-name or glob] option for the yum command.
    • Watch the yum update carefully for any messages about a .rpmnew file being created. That means that a configuration file had been edited, and a new default version was to be installed. In that case, RPM does not overwrite the edited configuration file but instead installs the new version with a .rpmnew extension. You will need to merge any edits that have made into the .rpmnew file and then move the merged version into place (that is, without the .rpmnew extension).
  6. Continue on to any update instructions that match the role(s) that the host performs.

Updating Your OSG Access Point

In OSG 3.6, some manual configuration changes are required for OSG Access Point (APs). To perform this upgrade, turn off and disable the gratia-probes-cron service:

root@host # systemctl stop gratia-probes-cron
root@host # systemctl disable gratia-probes-cron

Updating AP packages

For OSG 3.6 APs, the relevant Gratia Probe package to install is gratia-probe-condor-ap and you may need to explicitly install it if you are running a non-OSPool AP:

  1. Proceed with the repository and RPM update process.
  2. Install the gratia-probe-condor-ap RPM (OSPool APs should already have this package through the osg-flock RPM):
    root@host # yum install condor-probe-ap

Updating AP configuration


Consult the HTCondor upgrade section for details on updating your HTCondor configuration.

Gratia Probe

  1. Copy the following values from /etc/gratia/condor/ProbeConfig to /etc/gratia/condor-ap/ProbeConfig:

    • EnableProbe
    • MapUnknownToGroup
    • ProbeName
    • SiteName
    • VOOverride

    Updated default values

    It is not sufficient to overwrite the contents of /etc/gratia/condor-ap/ProbeConfig entirely with the contents of /etc/gratia/condor/ProbeConfig as many default values have changed.

  2. In /etc/gratia/condor-ap/ProbeConfig, replace condor: in the ProbeName with condor-ap:. For example, the following value should be changed from:



  3. Ensure that the paths (/var/lib/condor/gratia/data) from the following commands are the same:

    root@host # condor_config_val PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR
    root@host # awk -F '=' '/DataFolder/ {print $2}' /etc/gratia/condor-ap/ProbeConfig | tr -d '"'

Restarting HTCondor

After updating your RPMs and updating your configuration, restart your HTCondor service:

root@host # systemctl restart condor

What about gratia-probes-cron?

In OSG 3.6, OSG APs no longer needs a separate service for Gratia Probe. Instead, the default CE configuration runs its Gratia Probe as a periodic process under the HTCondor process tree.

Updating Your OSG Compute Entrypoint

In OSG 3.6, OSG Compute Entrypoints (CEs) only accept token-based pilot job submissions. If you need to support token-based and GSI proxy-based pilot job submission, you must install or remain on OSG 3.5, with the osg-upcoming repositories enabled. If the collaborations that you support have the capability to submit token-based pilots, you may update your CE to OSG 3.6.

In addition to the change in authentication protocol, OSG 3.6 CEs include new major versions of software that require manual updates. To upgrade your CE to OSG 3.6, follow the sections below to make your configuration OSG 3.6-compatible.

Turning off CE services

  1. Register a downtime
  2. During the update, turn off the following services on your HTCondor-CE host:

    root@host # systemctl stop condor-ce
    root@host # systemctl stop gratia-probes-cron
  3. Run the command corresponding to your batch system to upload any remaining accounting records to the GRACC:

    If your batch system is... Then run the following command...
    HTCondor /usr/share/gratia/condor/condor_meter
    LSF /usr/share/gratia/lsf/lsf
    PBS /usr/share/gratia/pbs-lsf/
    SGE /usr/share/gratia/sge/
    Slurm /usr/share/gratia/slurm/slurm_meter -c
  4. Disable the gratia-probes-cron service:

    root@host # systemctl disable gratia-probes-cron

Updating CE packages

After turning off your CE's services, you may proceed with the repository and RPM update process.

Updating CE configuration

Gratia Probe

The OSG 3.6 release series contains Gratia Probe 2, which uses the non-root HTCondor-CE probe to account for your site's resource contributions. To ensure that your contributions continue to be properly accounted for, perform the following steps based on the type of batch system running at your site.

HTCondor batch systems

After updating your gratia-probe-* packages, verify the values of your HTCondor and HTCondor-CE PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR configurations match the output below:

# condor_ce_config_val -v PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR
 # at: <Default>

# condor_config_val -v PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR
PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR = /var/lib/condor-ce/gratia/data
 # at: /etc/condor/config.d/99-gratia.conf, line 5
 # raw: PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR = /var/lib/condor-ce/gratia/data
  • If you see the above output, your Gratia Probe configuration is correct and you may continue onto the next section.

  • If you do not see the above output:

    1. If the value of condor_config_val -v PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR is not /var/lib/condor-ce/gratia/data note its value. Then visit the referenced file, remove the offending configuration and repeat until the output of condor_config_val -v PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR matches the above output.

    2. If the value of condor_ce_config_val -v PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR is set, visit the referenced file and remove the offending configuration. Repeat until the output of condor_ce_config_val -v PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR matches the above output.

    3. If you noted a different value in step a, copy data from the old directory to the new directory and fix ensure that ownership is correct:

      root@host # cp  <ORIGINAL DIR>/* /var/lib/condor-ce/gratia/data/
      root@host # chown -R condor:condor /var/lib/condor-ce/gratia/data/

      Replacing <ORIGINAL_DIR> with the value that you noted in step a.

Non-HTCondor batch systems

After updating your gratia-probe-* packages, verify that your HTCondor-CE's PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR is set to /var/lib/condor-ce/gratia/data:

root@host # condor_ce_config_val -v PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR
PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR = /var/lib/condor-ce/gratia/data
# at: /etc/condor-ce/config.d/99_gratia-ce.conf, line 5
# raw: PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR = /var/lib/condor-ce/gratia/data
  • If you see the above output, your Gratia Probe configuration is correct and you may continue onto the next section.

  • If you do not see the above output, visit the file listed in the output of condor_ce_config_val, remove the offending value, and repeat until the proper value is returned.


The OSG 3.6 release series contains OSG-Configure 4, a major version upgrade from the previously released versions in the OSG. See the OSG-Configure 4.0.0 release notes for an overview of the changes. Several configuration modules and options were removed or deprecated and CE configuration has been simplified; the update from version 3 to version 4 will require some manual changes to your configuration.

To update OSG-Configure, perform the following steps:

  1. Merge any *.rpmnew files in /etc/osg/config.d/

  2. Uninstall osg-configure-gip and osg-configure-misc if they are installed:

    root@host# yum erase osg-configure-gip osg-configure-misc
  3. If /etc/osg/config.d/30-gip.ini.rpmsave exists, merge its contents into 31-cluster.ini

  4. Edit the Site Information configuration section (in 40-siteinfo.ini):

    • If resource_group is not set, add:

          resource_group = <TOPOLOGY RESOURCE GROUP FOR THIS HOST>
    • Delete the following attributes:

      • sponsor
      • site_policy
      • contact
      • email
      • city
      • country
      • latitude
      • longitude
  5. Run osg-configure to apply your changes:

    osg-configure -dc


Passing along non-HTCondor batch system directives

default_CERequirements in the the new Job Router ClassAd transform syntax is ignored. To fix this, apply the change in this patch to /usr/share/condor-ce/config.d/01-ce-router-defaults.conf. The next release of HTCondor-CE will contain this fix and will not require any additional action post-update.

The OSG 3.6 release series contains HTCondor-CE 5, a major version upgrade from HTCondor-CE 4, which was available in the OSG 3.5 release repositories. To update HTCondor-CE, perform the following steps:

  1. If the collaboration(s) that you support submit token-based pilots and you map these pilots to non-default local Unix accounts:

    1. Copy the relevant default mappings from /usr/share/condor-ce/mapfiles.d/osg-scitokens-mapfile.conf (provided by the osg-scitokens-mapfile package) to a file in /etc/condor-ce/mapfiles.d/
    2. Replacing the third field with the local Unix account.
  2. Also consult the upgrade documentation for other required configuration updates.

For OSG CEs serving an HTCondor pool

If your OSG CE routes pilot jobs to a local HTCondor pool, also see the section for updating your HTCondor hosts

Starting CE services

After updating your RPMs and updating your configuration, turn on the HTCondor-CE service:

root@host # systemctl start condor-ce

What about gratia-probes-cron?

In OSG 3.6, the OSG CE no longer needs a separate service for Gratia Probe. Instead, the default CE configuration runs its Gratia Probe as a periodic process under the HTCondor-CE process tree.

Updating Your HTCondor Hosts

HTCondor-CE hosts

Consult this section before updating the condor package on your HTCondor-CE hosts.

If you are running an HTCondor pool, consult the following instructions to update to HTCondor from OSG 3.6. Note that the version of HTCondor available in OSG 3.6 does not support GSI authentication. If your pool is configured to authenticate with GSI, we recommend using HTCondor's "IDTOKENS" configuration for host-to-host authentication.

  1. The following OSG specific configuration was dropped in anticipation of HTCondor's new secure by default configuration coming in HTCondor version 9.0. HTCondor's 9.0 recommended security configuration requires authentication for all access (including read access).

    # require authentication and integrity for everything...
    # ...except read access...
    # ...and the outgoing (client side) connection since the server side will enforce its policy
    # this will required PASSWORD authentications for daemon-to-daemon, and
    # allow FS authentication for submitting jobs and running administrator commands
    SEC_PASSWORD_FILE = /etc/condor/passwords.d/POOL
    # admin commands (e.g. condor_off) can be run by:
    #  1. root on the local host or the central manager
    #  2. condor user on the local host or the central manager
    ALLOW_ADMINISTRATOR = condor@*/$(FULL_HOSTNAME) condor@*/$(CONDOR_HOST) condor_pool@*/$(FULL_HOSTNAME) condor_pool@*/$(CONDOR_HOST)  root@$(UID_DOMAIN)/$(FULL_HOSTNAME)
    # only the condor daemons on the central manager can negotiate
    ALLOW_NEGOTIATOR = condor@*/$(CONDOR_HOST) condor_pool@*/$(CONDOR_HOST)
    # any authenticated daemons in the pool can read/write/advertise
    ALLOW_DAEMON = condor@* condor_pool@*
  2. Manual intervention may be required to upgrade from the HTCondor 8.8 series to HTCondor 9.0.x. Please consult the HTCondor 9.0 upgrade instructions.

  3. If you are upgrading from the HTCondor 8.9 series (8.9.11 and earlier), please consult the Upgrading to 9.0 instructions

Replacing Your GridFTP Service

Requirements for XRootD-Multiuser with VOMS FQANs

Using XRootD-Multiuser with a VOMS FQAN requires mapping the FQAN to a username, which requires a voms-mapfile. Support is available in xrootd-voms 5.4.2-1.1, in the OSG 3.6 repos, though it is expected in XRootD 5.5.0. If you want to use multiuser, ensure you are getting xrootd-voms from the OSG repos.

As part of the GridFTP and GSI migration, GridFTP is no longer available in the OSG 3.6 repositories. If you need to continue to provide remote access to local storage at your site, follow the instructions to install the OSG's configuration of XRootD Standalone.

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