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External OASIS Repositories

We offer hosting of non-OSG CVMFS repositories on OASIS. This means that requests to create, rename, remove, or blanking OASIS repositories will come in as GOC tickets. This document contains instructions for handling those tickets.

Requests to Host a Repository on OASIS

  1. Ensure that the repository administrator is valid for the VO. This can be done by (a) OSG already having a relationship with the person or (b) the contacting the VO manager to find out. Also, the person should be listed in the OSG topology contacts list.

  2. Review provided URL and verify that it is appropriate for the VO and no other project uses it already. In order to make sure the name in URL is appropriate, check that the name is derived from the VO name or one of its projects. Then, add the repository URL to the topology for given VO under the OASISRepoURLs. This should cause the repository's configuration to be added to the OSG Stratum-0 within 15 minutes after URL is added into the topology. For example, if new URL is for the VO DUNE edit the following under the OASIS section and create PR:

    git clone git://
    vim topology/virtual-organizations/DUNE.yaml

    When the PR is approved, check on the host whether the new repository was successfuly signed. There should be message about it in the log file /var/log/oasis/generate_whitelists.log:

    Tue Sep 25 17:34:02 2018 Running add_osg_repository Signing 7 day whitelist with masterkeycard... done

  3. If the respository ends in a new domain name that has not been distributed before, a new domain key will be needed on oasis-replica which should get automatically downloaded from the etc/cvmfs/keys directory in the master branch of the config-repo github repository. There should be a message about downloading it in the log file /var/log/cvmfs/generate_replicas.log. After the key is downloaded the repository should also be automatically added, with messages in the same log file.

    After the repository is successfully on oasis-replica, in addition you need to update the OSG configuration repository. Make changes in a workspace cloned from the config-repo github repository and use the osg branch (or a branch made from it) in a personal account on oasis-itb. Add a domain configuration in etc/cvmfs/domain.d that's a lot like one of the other imported domains, for example The server urls might be slightly different; use the URLs of the stratum 1s where it is already hosted if there are any, and you can add at least the FNAL and BNL stratum 1s. Copy key(s) for the domain into etc/cvmfs/keys from the master branch, either a single .pub file or a directory, whichever the master branch has. Test all these changes out on the repository on oasis-itb using the copy_config_osg command, and configure a test client to read from instead of Then commit those changes into a new branch you made from the osg branch, and make a pull request. Once that PR is approved and merged, log in to the oasis machine and run copy_config_osg as root there to copy from github to the production configuration repository on the oasis machine.

  4. If the repository name does not match * or *, skip this step and go on to your next step. If it does match one of those two patterns, then respond to the ticket to tell the administrator to continue with their next step (their step 4).
    We don't want them to continue before 15 minutes has elapsed after step 2 above, so either wait that much time or tell them the time they may proceed (15 minutes after you updated topology). Then wait until the admin has updated the ticket to indicate that they have completed their step before moving on.

  5. Ask the administrator of the BNL stratum 1 (John De Stefano) to also add the new repository. The BNL Stratum-1 administrator should set the service to read from<EXAMPLE.OPENSCIENCEGRID.ORG>. When the BNL Stratum-1 administrator has reported back that the replication is ready, respond to the requester that the repository is fully replicated on the OSG and close the ticket.

Requests to Change the URL of an External Repository

If there is a request to change the URL of an external repository, update the registered value in OASISRepoURLs for the respective VO in the topology.
Tell the requester that it is ready 15 minutes after topology is updated.

Requests to Remove an External Repository

  1. After validating that the ticket submitter is authorized by the VO's OASIS manager, delete the registered value for in topology for the VO in OASIS Repo URLs. Verify that it is removed by running the following on any oasis machine to make sure it is missing from the list:

    print_osg_repos|grep <EXAMPLE.OPENSCIENCEGRID.ORG>
  2. Check if the repository has been replicated to RAL by looking in their repositories.json. The user documentation requests the user to make a GGUS ticket to do this, so either ask them to do it or do it yourself.

  3. Add the BNL Stratum-1 operator (John De Stefano) to the ticket and ask him to remove the repository. Wait for him to finish before proceeding.

  4. Add the FNAL Stratum-1 operators (Merina Albert, Hyun Woo Kim) to the ticket and ask them when they can be ready to delete the repository. They can't remove it before it is removed from oasis-replica because their Stratum-1 automatically adds all repositories oasis-replica has. However, it has to be done within 8 hours of removal on oasis-replica or an alarm will start going off.

  5. Run the following command on oasis, oasis-itb, oasis-replica and oasis-replica-itb:

    remove_osg_repository -f <EXAMPLE.OPENSCIENCEGRID.ORG>
  6. Tell the FNAL Stratum-1 operators to go ahead and remove the repository.

Response to Security Incident on an External Repository

If there is a security incident on the publishing machine of an external repository and a publishing key is compromised, the fingerprint of that key should be added to /cvmfs/ In addition, another line should be added in the form < NNN with the repository name and a revision number that's one higher than the currently published revision. For more details see the cvmfs documentation on blacklisting.