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August 4 (Sunday)

Welcome Dinner for Participants and Staff

All School participants and staff are encourage to attend!

Time: Starting at 6:30 p.m.
Location: Fluno Center, 601 University Avenue; Skyview Room, 8th floor

August 5 (Monday)

Start End Event Instructor
8:00 8:45 Breakfast in Computer Sciences 1240 -
9:00 9:15 Welcome to the OSG School Tim C.
9:15 9:30 Lecture: Introduction to High Throughput Computing Christina
9:30 9:45 Exercise: Scaling Out Computing Worksheet -
9:45 10:15 Lecture: Introduction to HTCondor Andrew
10:15 10:30 Exercise: Log in -
10:30 10:45 Break -
10:45 12:15 Exercises: HTCondor basics (1.n series) -
12:15 13:15 Lunch in Computer Sciences (near 1240) -
13:15 14:00 Lecture: More HTCondor Andrew
14:15 15:00 Exercises: Many jobs (2.n series) -
15:00 15:15 Break -
15:15 15:30 Lecture: Setting goals for the School and beyond Rachel
15:30 17:00 Exercises: Goals and unfinished exercises
Individual consultations
19:00 20:30 Evening work session (optional)
Memorial Union – Council Room (4th Floor)
Note: Free, outdoor showing of Jaws (1975) at 9 p.m.!
Rachel, Christina, Tim

August 6 (Tuesday)

Start End Event Instructor
8:00 8:45 Breakfast in Computer Sciences 1240 -
9:00 9:45 Lecture: Introduction to dHTC and the OSPool Tim C.
9:45 10:30 Exercises: Using the OSPool -
10:30 10:45 Break
Travel document collection, as needed
10:45 11:30 Lecture: Troubleshooting jobs Showmic
11:30 12:15 Exercises: Basic troubleshooting tools -
12:15 13:30 Lunch in Computer Sciences (near 1240)
13:15: Return documents in 1240
13:30 14:45 Interactive: High Throughput Computing in action staff
14:45 15:00 Break -
15:00 15:45 Lecture: Software portability Rachel
15:45 17:00 Exercises: Software and unfinished exercises
Individual consultations
19:00 20:30 Evening work session (optional)
Memorial Union – Council Room (4th Floor)
Christina, Amber, Tim

August 7 (Wednesday)

Start End Event Instructor
8:00 8:45 Breakfast in Computer Sciences 1240 -
9:00 9:45 Lecture: Working with data Andrew
9:45 10:45 Exercises: Data -
10:45 11:00 Break -
11:00 12:00 HTC Showcase Part 1
Michael Gerard; Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics
“Using CHTC to optimize the Helically Symmetric eXperiment stellarator”
Bryce Johnson; Morgridge Institute for Research & UW–Madison Computer Sciences
“Running millions of biophysical simulations with OSPool”
12:00 12:30 Open Q&A and discussion time staff
12:30 13:45 Lunch in Computer Sciences (near 1240)
Optional Domain Lunches: Christina (math); Rachel (biology); Andrew/Amber (chemistry); Ian (ML); Tim (physics & astronomy)
13:45 17:00 Afternoon off — suggestions for fun
Or, optional work time
Or, individual consultations
19:00 20:30 Evening work session (optional)
Memorial Union – Langdon Room (4th Floor)
Christina, Showmic

August 8 (Thursday)

Start End Event Instructor
8:00 8:45 Breakfast in Computer Sciences 1240 -
9:00 9:45 Lecture: Independence in Research Computing Christina
9:45 10:45 Exercises: Scaling up -
10:45 11:00 Break -
11:00 12:00 Lecture: DAGMan Rachel
12:00 13:15 Lunch in Computer Sciences (near 1240) -
13:15 14:30 Exercises: DAGMan
Work Time: Apply HTC to own research
Individual consultations
14:30 14:45 Break -
14:45 15:45 Work Time: Apply HTC to own research
Individual consultations
15:45 16:30 Lecture: Machine Learning Ian
19:00 20:30 Evening work session (optional)
Memorial Union – Council Room (4th Floor)
Andrew, Showmic, Tim

August 9 (Friday)

Start End Event Instructor
8:00 8:45 Breakfast in Computer Sciences 1240 -
9:00 9:45 Optional Lecture: Self-Checkpointing
Work Time: Apply HTC to own research
9:45 10:30 Work time: Apply HTC to own research
Individual consultations
10:30 10:45 Break -
10:45 11:30 Work time: Apply HTC to own research
11:30 11:50 Group photo (details TBD) -
11:50 13:00 Lunch, Computer Sciences (Staff to direct)
Optional: Introduction to Research Computing Facilitation
13:00 14:00 HTC Showcase, Part 2
Dan Wright; Civil & Environmental Engineering
“Computational hydroclimate research enabled by HTC”
Saloni Bhogale;
14:00 14:30 Open Q&A
Work time: Apply HTC to own research
14:30 15:30 Lightning talks by volunteer participants Attendees
15:30 16:00 Open Q&A and work time staff
16:00 16:45 HTC and HTCondor Philosophy Miron (and Greg?)
16:45 17:15 Lecture: Forward Tim

Closing Dinner for Participants and Staff

  • Location: Union South (next to Computer Sciences), indoors/outdoors
  • Time: 6:00–7:45 p.m. (or so)

We have scheduled a buffet dinner to wrap up the School. The buffet itself, and some tables, are inside. But if the weather is good, we will have easy access to outdoor space, too, and we encourage everyone to head outside with their food.