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HTC Exercise 2.1: Work With Input and Output Files

Exercise Goal

The goal of this exercise is make input files available to your job on the execute machine and to return output files back created in your job back to you on the access point. This small change significantly adds to the kinds of jobs that you can run.

Viewing a Job Sandbox

Before you learn to transfer files to and from your job, it is good to understand a bit more about the environment in which your job runs. When the HTCondor starter process prepares to run your job, it creates a new directory for your job and all of its files. We call this directory the job sandbox, because it is your job’s private space to play. Let’s see what is in the job sandbox for a minimal job with no special input or output files.

  1. Save the script below in a file named

    echo 'Date: ' `date`
    echo 'Host: ' `hostname` 
    echo 'Sandbox: ' `pwd` 
    ls -alF
    # END
  2. Create a submit file for this script and submit it.

  3. When the job finishes, look at the contents of the output file.

In the output file, note the Sandbox: line: That is the full path to your job sandbox for the run. It was created just for your job, and it was removed as soon as your job finished.

Next, look at the output that appears after the Sandbox: line; it is the output from the ls command in the script. It shows all of the files in your job sandbox, as they existed at the end of the execution of The number of files that you see can change depending on the HTC system you are using, but some of the files you should always see are:

.chirp.config Configuration for an advanced feature Your executable The job ClassAd The machine ClassAd
_condor_stderr Saved standard error from the job
_condor_stdout Saved standard output from the job
tmp/, var/tmp/ Directories in which to put temporary files

So, HTCondor wrote copies of the job and machine ads (for use by the job, if desired), transferred your executable (, ran it, and saved its standard output and standard error into files. Notice that your submit file, which was in the same directory on the access point machine as your executable, was not transferred, nor were any other files that happened to be in directory with the submit file.

Now that we know something about the sandbox, we can transfer more files to and from it.

Running a Job With Input Files

Next, you will run a job that requires an input file. Remember, the initial job sandbox will contain only the job executable, unless you tell HTCondor explicitly about every other file that needs to be transferred to the job.

Here is a Python script that takes the name of an input file (containing one word per line) from the command line, counts the number of times each (lowercased) word occurs in the text, and prints out the final list of words and their counts.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import sys

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print(f'Usage: {os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])} DATA')
input_filename = sys.argv[1]

words = {}

with open(input_filename, 'r', encoding='iso-8859-1') as my_file:
    for line in my_file:
        word = line.strip().lower()
        if word in words:
            words[word] += 1
            words[word] = 1

for word in sorted(words.keys()):
    print(f'{words[word]:8d} {word}')
  1. Create and save the Python script in a file named
  2. Download the input file for the script (263K lines, ~1.4 MB) and save it in your submit directory:

    username@ap1 $ wget
  3. Create a submit file for the executable.

  4. Add a line called transfer_input_files = to tell HTCondor to transfer the input file to the job:

    transfer_input_files = intro-2.1-words.txt

    As with all submit file commands, it does not matter where this line goes, as long as it comes before the word queue.

  5. Since we want HTCondor to pass an argument to our Python executable, we need to remember to add an arguments = line in our submit file so that HTCondor knows to pass an argument to the job. Set this arguments = line equal to the argument to the Python script (i.e., the name the input file).

  6. Submit the job to HTCondor, wait for it to finish, and check the output!

If things do not work the first time, keep trying! At this point in the exercises, we are telling you less and less explicitly how to do steps that you have done before. If you get stuck, ask for help in the Slack channel.


If you want to transfer more than one input file, list all of them on a single transfer_input_files command, separated by commas. For example, if there are three input files:

transfer_input_files = a.txt, b.txt, c.txt

Transferring Output Files

So far, we have relied on programs that send their output to the standard output and error streams, which HTCondor captures, saves, and returns back to the submit directory. But what if your program writes one or more files for its output? How do you tell HTCondor to bring them back?

Let’s start by exploring what happens to files that a job creates in the sandbox. We will use a very simple method for creating a new file: we will copy an input file to another name.

  1. Find or create a small input file (it is fine to use any small file from a previous exercise).
  2. Create a submit file that transfers the input file and copies it to another name (as if doing /bin/cp input.txt output.txt on the command line)
    • Make the output filename different than any filenames that are in your submit directory
    • What is the executable line?
    • What is the arguments line?
    • How do you tell HTCondor to transfer the input file?
    • As always, use output, error, and log filenames that are different from previous exercises
  3. Submit the job and wait for it to finish.

What happened? Can you tell what HTCondor did with the output file that was created (did it end up back on the access point?), after it was created in the job sandbox? Look carefully at the list of files in your submit directory now.

Transferring Specific Output Files

As you saw in the last exercise, by default HTCondor transfers files that are created in the job sandbox back to the submit directory when the job finishes. In fact, HTCondor will also transfer back changed input files, too. But, this only works for files that are in the top-level sandbox directory, and not for ones contained in subdirectories.

What if you want to bring back only some output files, or output files contained in subdirectories?

Here is a shell script that creates several files, including a copy of an input file in a new subdirectory:

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 INPUT"; exit 1; fi
date > output-timestamp.txt
cal > output-calendar.txt
mkdir subdirectory
cp $1 subdirectory/backup-$1

First, let’s confirm that HTCondor does not bring back the output file (which starts with the prefix backup-) in the subdirectory:

  1. Create a file called and save the above shell script in this file.
  2. Write a submit file that transfers any input file and runs on it (remember to include an arguments = line and pass the input filename as an argument).
  3. Submit the job, wait for it to finish, and examine the contents of your submit directory.

Suppose you decide that you want only the timestamp output file and all files in the subdirectory, but not the calendar output file. You can tell HTCondor to only transfer these specific files back to the submission directory using transfer_output_files =:

transfer_output_files = output-timestamp.txt, subdirectory/

When using transfer_output_files =, HTCondor will only transfer back the files you name - all other files will be ignored and deleted at the end of a job.


See the trailing slash (/) on the subdirectory? That tells HTCondor to transfer back the files contained in the subdirectory, but not the directory itself; the files will be written directly into the submit directory. If you want HTCondor to transfer back an entire directory, leave off the trailing slash.

  1. Remove all output files from the previous run, including output-timestamp.txt and output-calendar.txt.
  2. Copy the previous submit file that ran and add the transfer_output_files line from above.
  3. Submit the job, wait for it to finish, and examine the contents of your submit directory.

Did it work as you expected?

Thinking About Progress So Far

At this point, you can do just about everything that you need in order to run jobs on a HTC pool. You can identify the executable, arguments, and input files, and you can get output back from the job. This is a big achievement!


There are many more details about HTCondor’s file transfer mechanism not covered here. For more information, read "Submitting Jobs Without a Shared Filesystem" in the HTCondor Manual.