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OSG School Materials

School Overview and Intro

View the slides: pdf

Intro to HTC and HTCondor Job Execution

Intro to HTC Slides

Intro to HTC: pptx

Worksheet: pdf or Google Drive

Intro to HTCondor Slides

View the slides: pdf

Bonus Exercises: Job Attributes and Handling

Intro to HTCondor Multiple Job Execution

View the Slides: pdf


View the slides: pdf


View the Slides: pdf ppt

Troubleshooting Exercises:


Slides: pdf, pptx

Software Exercises 1: Exploring Containers

Software Exercises 2: Preparing Scripts

Software Exercises 3: Container Examples (Optional)

Software Exercises 4: Exploring Compiled Software (Optional)

Software Exercises 5: Compiled Software Examples (Optional)


View the slides: pdf

Scaling Up

View the slides: pptx

Scaling Up Exercises

Workflows with DAGMan

View the slides: pptx

DAGMan Exercises 1

Extra Topics

Machine Learning

View the slides: pdf

Self-checkpointing for long-running jobs

View the slides: pdf ppt

Special Environments

View the slides: [Slides coming soon]

Special Environments Exercises 1

Introduction to Research Computing Facilitation

View the slides: [Slides coming soon]

Final Talks

  • Philosophy: [Slides coming soon]
  • Final thoughts: [Slides coming soon]
  • Forward (Tim’s final talk): PDF