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OSG School 2024 Logistics

The following pages describe some of the important information about your visit to Madison for the OSG School. Please read them carefully. There will be other pages with local details soon.

As always: If you have questions, email us at Use that email address for all emails about the organization of the School.

General Information About the School Schedule

Travel Schedule

Most participants should plan to travel as follows:

  • Arrive on Sunday, August 4, 2024, by about 5:00 p.m. (if possible). There is a welcome dinner on Sunday evening for all participants (including instructors), and then classes begin on Monday morning. This is a nice way to get to know each other and start the week.

  • Depart on Saturday, August 10, 2024, any time. The School ends with a closing dinner on Friday evening, so it is best to stay that night.

If we offered to pay for your hotel room, we will pay for the 6 nights of this schedule.

Note: If we suggested other travel dates to you in an email, then use those dates instead!

School Hours

The School is generally Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to about 5:00 p.m., except Wednesday afternoon. There will be optional work sessions on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings.

A detailed schedule will be posted before the event.

Contact Information

If you have questions, do not wait to contact us!