Convert Your Workflow From Slurm to HTCondor¶
Slurm is a common workload manager for high performance computing (HPC) systems while HTCondor is a scheduler program developed for a high throughput computing (HTC) environment. As they are both implementations of scheduler/workload managers, they have some similarities, like needing to specify the computing resources required for a job. Some differences include the syntax for describing a job, and some of the system assumptions made by the scheduling program. In this guide, we will go through some general similarities and differences and provide an example of "translating" an existing Slurm submit file into HTCondor. Skip to this example.
General Diffences Between Slurm and HTCondor¶
- HTCondor is good at managing a large quantity of single-node jobs; Slurm is suitable for scheduling multi-node and multi-core jobs, and can struggle when managing a large quantity of jobs
- Slurm requires a shared file system to operate, HTCondor does not.
- Slurm script has a certain order- all the requirements on the top then the code execution step; HTCondor script does not have any order. The only requirement is that it ends with the queue statement.
- Every requirement line in the Slurm script starts with #SBATCH. In HTCondor only the system requirements (RAM, Cores, Disk space) line starts with request_
- The queue statement in HTCondor can be modified (include variables) to make it behave like an array job in Slurm.
- Basic job submission and queue checking command starts with a condor_ prefix in HTCondor; Slurm commands generally start with the letter
To know more about Slurm please visit their website and for HTCondor take a look at the HTCondor manual page
Special Considerations for the OSPool¶
- HTCondor on OSPool does not use modules and a shared file system. A user needs to identify every component of their jobs and transfer them from their access point to the execute node. The slides of the new user training contians more detils about it.
- Instead of relying on modules, please use the different conatiners available on the OSPool or make your own container. Please remember the faciliation team is here to support you.
- By default the wall time limit on the OSPool is 10 hours.
Comparing Slurm and HTCondor Files¶
A sample Slurm script is presented below with the equivalent HTCondor transformation.
Submitting One Job¶
The scenario here is submitting one Matlab job, requesting 8 cores, 16GB of memory (or RAM), planning to run for 20 hours, specifying where to save standard output and error
Slurm Example¶
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=sample_slurm # Optional in HTCondor #SBATCH --error=job.%J.error #SBATCH --output=job.%J.out #SBATCH --time=20:00:00 #SBATCH --nodes=1 # HTCondor equivalent does not exist #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8 #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2gb #SBATCH --partition=batch # HTCondor equivalent does not exist module load matlab/r2020a matlab -nodisplay -r "matlab_program(input_arguments),quit"
HTCondor Example¶
+SingularityImage = "/cvmfs/" executable = matlab_program arguments = input_arguments # optional batch_name = sample_htcondor error = job.$(ClusterID).$(ProcID).error output = job.$(ClusterID).$(ProcID).out log = job.$(ProcID).log # transfer_input_files = +JobDurationCategory = "Long" request_cpus = 8 request_memory = 16 GB request_disk = 2 GB queue 1
Notice that: - Using a Singularity image replaces module loading - The Matlab command becomes executable and arguments in the submit file - HTCondor has its own custom "log" format in addition to saving standard output and standard error. - If there are additional input files, they would need to be added in the "transfer_input_files" line. - Note that memory is total not per-core. We also need to request disk space for the job's working directory, as it is not running on a shared file system.
Submit Multiple Jobs¶
Using the same base example, what options are needed if you wanted to run multiple copies of the same basic job?
Slurm Example¶
In Slurm, multiple tasks are expressed as an array job:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%highlights for submitting an array jobs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #SBATCH --array=0-9 module load matlab/r2020a matlab -nodisplay -r "matlab_program(input_arguments,$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID),quit"
HTCondor Example¶
In HTCondor, multiple tasks are submitted as many independent jobs. The
variable takes the place of $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% equivalent changes to HTCondor for array jobs%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% executable = matlab_program arguments = input_arguments, $(ProcID) queue 10
HTCondor has many more ways to submit multiple jobs, behind this simple numerical approach. See our other HTCondor guides for more details.