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Message Queues

Message queues used in GRACC

In AMQP, there is a difference between a queue and an exchange. Messages delivered on a queue are read by a single subscriber; messages delivered on an exchange will be delivered to all subscribers (implying they may be buffered for some time at the broker if a given client goes missing).

We would like collectors to serve multiple databases (hence the use of an exchange) while queues are used for messages sent to a database agent.

Well known message queues and exchanges used:

  • /gracc.<collector>.raw - An exchange which listens to raw records to insert into the collector. This is the interface that probes would send raw records.
  • /grace.<db>.summary - A queue that listens for summary records to insert into a specific <db>. This is used to replicate summary records from other collectors or db's.
  • /grace.<db>.raw - Raw record queue for a database instance.
  • /grace.<db>.requests - The Ad Agent listens to this queue for requests for raw and summary replications.

Here, <db> is the instance name of a given database install while <collector> is the instance name of an existing Gratia collector.

There are currently three defined message schemas in GRACC: raw records, summary records, and replay requests:

Raw Records

These are JSON-formatted documents; the key-value pairs are derived from the OGF UsageRecord format. For ease of compatibility with the prior Gratia system, we include an njobs attribute if a given record represents more than one job.

The Raw Records page has more details and the mapping from XML UsageRecord.

    "RecordId": "",
    "CreateTime": "2016-05-27T22:46:46Z",
    "GlobalJobId": "",
    "LocalJobId": "185777",
    "LocalUserId": "cmsuser",
    "GlobalUsername": "[email protected]",
    "DN": "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=cmsuser/CN=1234567/CN=CMS User",
    "VOName": "/cms/Role=production/Capability=NULL",
    "ReportableVOName": "cms",
    "JobName": "",
    "MachineName": "",
    "SubmitHost": "",
    "Status": "0",
    "Status_description": "Condor Exit Status",
    "WallDuration": 617,
    "CpuDuration": 18,
    "CpuDuration_system": 18,
    "CpuDuration_user": 0,
    "EndTime": "2016-05-27T22:44:08Z",
    "StartTime": "2016-05-27T22:33:51Z",
    "Host": "",
    "NodeCount": "1",
    "NodeCount_metric": "max",
    "Processors": "1",
    "Processors_metric": "max",
    "ResourceType": "Batch",
    "ProbeName": "",
    "SiteName": "UCSDT2-D",
    "Grid": "OSG",
    "Njobs": "1",


We consider these to be "base" keys: additional ones may be given (for example, if the record is derived from a HTCondor ClassAd).

Summary Records

The summary record represents a grouping of multiple similar raw records. In GRACC, we often group jobs run on the same date, by the same user, on the same resource.

TODO: copy JSON document here

Replay Requests

The replay request indicates that a remote listener agent attached to an ElasticSearch database should load and re-send some amount of data.


  • from and to: An ISO 8601 formatted date & time string that determines the time range beginning and ending, respectively, of the data to be sent.
  • kind: What type of records should be resent (valid values are curently raw or summary).
  • destination: An exchange on the same broker where records should be sent. Should be a string value.
  • routing_key: A routing key to be used when sending the data
  • control and control_key: (optional) Control channel that will be notified when the data stream starts and ends. Further, it will receive any errors that may occur during the replay.
  • filter: (not implemented) A ElasticSearch-formatted query filter (JSON value). Only records matching this filter should be sent.


  "from": "2016-05-10T00:00:00",
  "to": "2016-05-11T00:00:00",
  "kind": "raw",
  "destination": "grace.osg.raw",
  "routing_key": "grace.osg.raw",
  "control": "control-exchange",
  "control_key": "control_routing_key",
  "filter": {
    "query": {
      "query_string": {
        "query": "vo=cms"