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Site Verification

After installing and registering services from the site planning document, you will need to perform some verification steps before your site can scale up to full production.

Verify OSG Software

To verify your site's installation of OSG Software, you will need to:

  • Submit local test jobs
  • Contact the OSG for end-to-end tests of pilot job submission
  • Check that OSG usage is reported to the GRACC

Local verification

It is useful to submit jobs from within your site to verify CE's ability to submit jobs to your local batch system. Consult the document for submitting jobs into an HTCondor-CE for detailed instructions on how to test job submission.

Verify end-to-end pilot job submission

Once you have validated job submission from within your site, request test pilot jobs from OSG Factory Operations and provide the following information:

  • The fully qualified domain name of the CE
  • Registered OSG resource name
  • Supported OS version of your worker nodes (e.g., EL8, EL9, or a combination)
  • Support for multicore jobs
  • Support for GPUs
  • Maximum job walltime
  • Maximum job memory usage

Once the Factory Operations team has enough information, they will start submitting pilots to your CE. Initially, this will be a handful of pilots at a time but once the factory verifies that pilot jobs are running successfully, that number will be ramped up.

Verify reporting and monitoring

To verify that your site is correctly reporting to the OSG, visit OSG's Accounting Portal and select your registered OSG site name from the Site dropdown. If you don't see your site in the dropdown, please contact us for assistance.

Scale Up to Full Production

After verifying end-to-end pilot job submission and usage reporting, your site is ready for production! In the same OSG Factory Operations ticket that you opened above, let OSG staff know when you are ready to accept production pilots.

After requesting production pilots, review the documentation for how to maintain an OSG site.

Getting Help

If you need help with your site, or need to report a security incident, follow the contact instructions.

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