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Open Science Pool Containers

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In order to share compute resources with the Open Science Pool (OSPool), sites can launch pilot jobs directly by starting an OSG-provided Docker container. The container includes a worker node environment and an embedded pilot; when combined with an OSG-provided authentication token (not included in the container), the pilot can connect to the OSPool and start executing jobs.

This technique is useful to implement backfill at a site: contributing computing resources when they would otherwise be idle.

Container Limitations

These containers do not allow the site to share resources between multiple pools and, if there are no matching idle jobs in the OSPool, the pilots may remain idle.

Before Starting

In order to configure the container, you will need:

  1. A system that can run containers, such as Docker or Kubernetes
  2. Appropriate user permissions configured on the system.
  3. Launching a container manually via docker requires membership in the docker group.
  4. Installing the container via RPM and launching it via systemd both require root privileges.
  5. A scratch directory on the system must be writable by uid 1000.
  6. A registered administrative contact
  7. A registered resource in OSG Topology; resource registration allows OSG to do proper usage accounting and maintain contacts in case of security incidents and other issues.
  8. An authentication token from the OSG: once contact and resource registration are complete, you can retrieve a token through the OSPool Token Registry
  9. An HTTP caching proxy at or near your site.

Running the Container with Docker

The Docker image is kept in DockerHub. In order to successfully start payload jobs:

  1. Configure authentication: Authentication with the OSPool is performed using tokens retrieved from the OSPool Token Registry which you can then pass to the container by volume mounting it as a file under /etc/condor/tokens-orig.d/. If you are using Docker to launch the container, this is done with the command line flag -v /path/to/token:/etc/condor/tokens-orig.d/ Replace /path/to/token with the full path to the token you obtained from the OSPool Token Registry.
  2. Set GLIDEIN_Site and GLIDEIN_ResourceName to match the resource group name and resource name that you registered in Topology, respectively.
  3. Set the OSG_SQUID_LOCATION environment variable to the HTTP address of your preferred Squid instance.
  4. If providing NVIDIA GPU resources: Bind-mount /etc/OpenCL/vendors, read-only. If you are using Docker to launch the container, this is done with the command line flags -v /etc/OpenCL/vendors:/etc/OpenCL/vendors:ro.
  5. Strongly_recommended: Enable CVMFS via one of the mechanisms described below.
  6. Strongly recommended: If you want job I/O to be done in a separate directory outside of the container, volume mount the desired directory on the host to /pilot inside the container.

    Without this, user jobs may compete for disk space with other containers on your system.

    If you are using Docker to launch the container, this is done with the command line flag -v /worker-temp-dir:/pilot. Replace /worker-temp-dir with a directory you created for jobs to write into. Make sure the user you run your container as has write access to this directory.

  7. Optional: add an expression with the GLIDEIN_Start_Extra environment variable to append to the HTCondor START expression; this limits the pilot to only run certain jobs.

  8. Optional: limit OSG pilot container resource usage

Here is an example invocation using docker run by hand:

docker run -it --rm --user osg  \
       --pull=always            \
       --privileged             \
       -v /path/to/token:/etc/condor/tokens-orig.d/ \
       -v /worker-temp-dir:/pilot               \
       -e GLIDEIN_Site="..."                    \
       -e GLIDEIN_ResourceName="..."            \
       -e GLIDEIN_Start_Extra="True"            \
       -e OSG_SQUID_LOCATION="..."              \
       -e CVMFSEXEC_REPOS="                     \
  "    \

Replace /path/to/token with the location you saved the token obtained from the OSPool Token Registry. Privileged mode (--privileged) requested in the above docker run allows the container to mount CVMFS using cvmfsexec and invoke singularity for user jobs. Singularity (now known as Apptainer) allows OSPool users to use their own container for their job (e.g., a common use case for GPU jobs).

Running the Container via RPM

On EL hosts, the pilot container can also be managed via a systemctl service provided by the ospool-ep rpm. To install this RPM:

  1. Enable OSG yum repos.

  2. Install the service:

    root@host # yum install ospool-ep
  3. Obtain an OSPool Access Token for the pilot.

  4. Copy the OSPool Access Token obtained in the previous step to /etc/osg/ospool-ep.tkn.

    Token file ownership

    The EP is run under uid 1000. Ensure this user has read access to the token file.

    root@host # chown 1000:1000 /etc/osg/ospool-ep.tkn
  5. Configure the container service by editing /etc/osg/ospool-ep.cfg:

    • Set GLIDEIN_Site to your OSG Topology Site identifier.
    • Set GLIDEIN_ResourceName to your OSG Topology Resource Name identifier.
    • If you have dedicated scratch disk space for OSPool payload jobs (which is recommended), then set WORKER_TEMP_DIR to the scratch directory; e.g.:

    Ensure that the directory is writable by uid 1000.

    Scratch space ownership

    The EP is run under uid 1000. Ensure this user has read, write, and execute access to the scratch space.

  6. Highly Recommended: Configure CVMFS via /etc/osg/ospool-ep.cfg:

    • If CVMFS is installed on the host system, set BIND_MOUNT_CVMFS=true
    • Otherwise, set CVMFSEXEC_REPOS, CVMFS_HTTP_PROXY, and CVMFS_QUOTA_LIMIT in accordance with the Configure cvmfsexec documentation.
  7. Configure additional variables in /etc/osg/ospool-ep.cfg:

    • If your site has a Squid HTTP Caching Proxy configured, set OSG_SQUID_LOCATION to that proxy's HTTP address.
    • Start the OSPool EP container service:

      :::console root@host # systemctl start ospool-ep

  8. (Optional) monitor the systemctl service logs to see if the container starts successfully:

    root@host # journalctl -f -u ospool-ep

Optional Configuration

CernVM-FS (CVMFS) is a read-only remote filesystem that many OSG jobs depend on for software and data. Supporting CVMFS inside your container will greatly increase the types of OSG jobs you can run.

There are two methods for making CVMFS available in your container: enabling cvmfsexec, or bind mounting CVMFS from the host. Bind mounting CVMFS will require CVMFS to be installed on the host first, but the container will need fewer privileges.


cvmfsexec System Requirements

  • On EL8, you must have kernel version >= 4.18 (run uname -vr to check).

  • On EL9, all kernel versions >= 5.0 should be supported.

See the cvmfsexec README details.

cvmfsexec is a tool that can be used to mount CVMFS inside the container without requiring CVMFS on the host. To enable cvmfsexec, specify a space-separated list of repos in the CVMFSEXEC_REPOS environment variable. At a minimum, we recommend enabling the following repos:


Additionally, you may set the following environment variables to further control the behavior of cvmfsexec:

  • CVMFS_HTTP_PROXY - this sets the proxy to use for CVMFS; if left blank it will find the best one via WLCG Web Proxy Auto Discovery.

  • CVMFS_QUOTA_LIMIT - the quota limit in MB for CVMFS; leave this blank to use the system default (4 GB)

You can add other CVMFS options by bind mounting a config file over /cvmfsexec/default.local; note that options in environment variables take precedence over options in /cvmfsexec/default.local.

You may store the cache outside of the container by volume mounting a directory to /cvmfs-cache. Similarly, logs may be stored outside of the container by volume mounting a directory to /cvmfs-logs.

Bind mount

As an alternative to using cvmfsexec, you may install CVMFS on the host, and volume mount it into the container. Containers with bind mounted CVMFS can be run without --privileged but still require the following capabilities: DAC_OVERRIDE, DAC_READ_SEARCH, SETGID, SETUID, SYS_ADMIN, SYS_CHROOT, and SYS_PTRACE.

Once you have CVMFS installed and mounted on your host, add -v /cvmfs:/cvmfs:shared to your docker run invocation. This is the example at the top of the page, modified to volume mount CVMFS instead of using cvmfsexec, and using reduced privileges:

docker run -it --rm --user osg      \
        --pull=always            \
        --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
        --security-opt systempaths=unconfined \
        --security-opt no-new-privileges \
        -v /cvmfs:/cvmfs:shared     \
        -v /path/to/token:/etc/condor/tokens-orig.d/ \
        -v /worker-temp-dir:/pilot      \
        -e GLIDEIN_Site="..."           \
        -e GLIDEIN_ResourceName="..."   \
        -e GLIDEIN_Start_Extra="True"   \
        -e OSG_SQUID_LOCATION="..."     \

Fill in the values for /path/to/token, /worker-temp-dir, GLIDEIN_Site, GLIDEIN_ResourceName, and OSG_SQUID_LOCATION as above.

Limiting resource usage

By default, the container allows jobs to utilize the entire node's resources (CPUs, memory). To limit a container's resource consumptions, you may specify limits, which must be set in the following ways:

  • As environment variables, limiting the resources the pilot offers to jobs.
  • As options to the docker run command, limiting the resources the pilot container can use.


To limit the number of CPUs available to jobs (thus limiting the number of simultaneous jobs), add the following to your docker run command:

   -e NUM_CPUS=<X>  --cpus=<X> \

where <X> is the number of CPUs you want to allow jobs to use.

The NUM_CPUS environment variable tells the pilot not to offer more than the given number of CPUs to jobs; the --cpus argument tells Docker not to allocate more than the given number of CPUs to the container.


To limit the total amount of memory available to jobs, add the following to your docker run command:

    -e MEMORY=<X> --memory=$(( (<X> + 100) * 1024 * 1024 )) \

where <X> is the total amount of memory (in MB) you want to allow jobs to use.

The MEMORY environment variable tells the pilot not to offer more than the given amount of memory to jobs; the --memory argument tells Docker to kill the container if its total memory usage exceeds the given number.

Allocating additional memory

Note that the above command will allocate 100 MB more memory to the container. The pilot will place jobs on hold if they exceed their requested memory, but it may not notice high memory usage immediately. Additionally, the processes that manage jobs also use some amount of memory. Therefore, it is important to give the container some extra room.

Advanced: Advertising additional pilot attributes

You can put arbitrary additional attributes in the machine ads that the pilot advertises to the OSPool. These attributes will show up when users run condor_status -l against your pilot. This could be useful for advertising something about the way the pilot was provisioned. To do this, volume-mount a file containing key=value pairs to /etc/osg/extra-attributes.cfg. Keys must be valid classad attribute names and values must be valid classad expressions. Multi-line strings are not supported. A line starting with # will be treated as a comment. For example:

# The Kubernetes namespace this pod is running under
# The deployment for this pilot
KUBERNETES_DEPLOYMENT = "osgvo-docker-pilot-gpu"

Best Practices

We recommend pulling new versions of backfill containers at least every 72 hours. This ensures that your containers will have the latest bug and security fixes as well as the configurations to match the rest of the OSPool. Additionally, you may see better utilization of your resources as the OSPool may ignore resources with a high number of job starts.

Getting Help

For assistance, please use the this page.

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