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How to Prepare a New Release Series

Throughout this document, we will refer to the new release series as 2X, and the previous release series as OLD. For example, if we are creating OSG 25, then 2X refers to 25, and OLD refers to 24.

See the documentation in the OSG Technology/Software and Release/Infrastructure Google Drive folder for details on the infrastructure.

Prepare Koji and OSG-Build

  • Add 2X-main, 2X-internal, 2X-upcoming, 2X-empty, and 2X-contrib Koji tags and targets

  • Add Koji package signing

    • Starting with OSG 23, we've been using a set of two RPM signing keys for each new release series:

      • An "auto" key, used to sign development RPMs on-build in Kojihub.
      • A "developer" key, used to sign RPMs upon promotion from development to testing.

      These keys should be generated and placed on a Yubikey, then installed on the Kojihub host. See OSG Yubikey Generation for up-to-date documentation on this process.

    • Edit koji/roles/signplugin/vars/main.yml and koji/roles/signplugin/templates/sign.conf.j2 in the Koji Ansible config to add the key name, Yubikey PIN, list of tags the key should be used for, and template code for generating the sign.conf config blocks for those tags. Tags for EL9 and newer distros should have gpg_digest_algo = sha256 set.

    • Apply the Koji Ansible config on the Koji Hub host.

      $ ssh
      $ git clone [email protected]:osg-services.git
      $ cd osg-services/koji
      $ ansible-playbook -K -c local -l $(hostname -f) --ask-vault-pass --check --diff secure.yml
      # If the above looks good, run again without --check to apply for real
      $ ansible-playbook -K -c local -l $(hostname -f) --ask-vault-pass --diff secure.yml
      # -K = prompt you for sudo password (BECOME password)
      # -c local = use the "local" connection method
      # -l $(hostname -f) = apply the changes to the current machine only
      # --ask-vault-pass = prompt you for the ansible-vault pw
      # --check = dry-run mode
      # --diff = show the diffs of any file changes it (would) make
      # secure.yml = the "playbook" of changes to apply
    • Export the ASCII-armored public key as RPM-GPG-OSG-KEY-OSG-2X-auto, and add it to the osg-release RPM. Add the file and modify the template.repo.* files to reference the new key file.

  • Update Koji policy as needed (for new distro versions); see SOFTWARE-5426 for details.

  • Update osg-build to use the new koji tags and targets (not by default of course). See the Git commits on opensciencegrid/osg-build for SOFTWARE-2693 for details on how to do this. Use this version for subsequent steps.

Build prerequisite packages

  • Create a blank X-main SVN branch and add buildsys-macros.elY packages, one for each supported distro version. As an example, here's what you'd do for osg-24 and el8:

    1. svn copy the buildsys-macros.elX directories from the osg-OLD branch and hand-edit it to hardcode the new osg_version and dver values.

      $ cd native/redhat/branches
      $ svn mkdir 24-main
      $ svn copy 23-main/buildsys-macros.el8 24-main/buildsys-macros.el8
      $ cd 24-main/buildsys-macros.el8
      $ $EDITOR osg/*.spec
      ### change the osg_version and dver values as appropriate
    2. Build locally and import the resulting RPMs (need Koji admin permissions). Run the following commands (adjust the NVR and distro version as necessary):

          $ osg-build rpmbuild --el8
          $ osg-koji import _build_results/buildsys-macros-*.el8.src.rpm
          $ osg-koji import _build_results/buildsys-macros-*.el8.noarch.rpm
          $ pkg=$(basename _build_results/buildsys-macros-*.el8.src.rpm .src.rpm)
          $ osg-koji tag-pkg osg-23-main-el8-development "$pkg"
    3. Bump the revision in each buildsys-macros.elY spec file and edit the %changelog, svn commit, then do Koji builds of them. Again, with osg-24 and el8:

      $ osg-build koji --repo=24-main --el8 24-main/buildsys-macros.el8
  • Repeat the previous steps for each of the following:

    • 2X-upcoming
    • 2X-internal
    • 2X-empty
    • 2X-contrib
  • Update tarball-client

    • bundles.ini
    • patches/
    • upload-tarballs-to-oasis (for X, foreach_dver_arch will need to be updated for the new set of X dver_arches)
    • Add relase-series specific repos/osg-23-main-el<DVER> for each supported distro version (e.g., 8, 9)
  • Populate the bootstrap tags

    Need to have them inherit from the OLD development tags, but only packages, not builds (hence the --noconfig; yes, the name is weird)

    # set OLD and NEW as appropriate, specify any relevant dvers for el
    $ for el in el8 el9; do
        osg-koji add-tag-inheritance --noconfig --priority=2 \
            osg-$NEW-main-$el-bootstrap osg-$OLD-main-$el-development;
        osg-koji add-tag-inheritance --noconfig --priority=3 \
            osg-$NEW-main-$el-bootstrap osg-$OLD-upcoming-$el-development; 
  • Get the actual NVRs to tag

    • I put Brian's spreadsheet into Excel and used its filtering feature to separate out:
      • the packages going into 2X.0
      • package differences between each dver (eg, el7 vs el8)
    • save the NVRs for each dver to a separate file, eg, pkgtotag-el7.txt and pkgtotag-el8.txt
    • Tagging:

      # set X as appropriate, specify any relevant dvers for el
      $ for el in el8 el9; do \
          xargs -a pkgtotag-$el osg-koji tag-pkg osg-X-main-$el-bootstrap; \

      (btw, xargs -a doesn't work on a Mac)

  • In order to make testing easier, build the new osg-release and osg-release-itb packages and promote them all the way to release, so that all the 2X repos exist and have at least one rpm in them.

Prepare repo and test infrastructure

  • Update mash to pull from the new tags, using the new key
    • On repo-itb
    • On repo
  • Put the new public key on repo and repo-itb
  • Update documentation here
  • Update osg-test / vmu-test-runs
    • They're only going to test from minefield (and eventually testing) until the release

Build software

  • Populate SVN branches and tags (as in fill it with the packages we're going to release for 2X-main, 2X-upcoming, etc.)
  • Mass rebuild
  • Drop the osg-X-main-elY-bootstrap koji tags (after the successful mass rebuild only)
  • Update docker-software-base and any container images that are based on it


  1. Update release tools scripts as necessary

  2. Cut a release

  3. Have a release party

  4. Update this document and the Infrastructure Google Drive folder with issues you ran into


  • Update osg-test / vmu-test-runs again to add release and release -> testing tests

  • Update the tarball that is used to keep the CA certificates and VO data current in CVMFS.

  • Update the koji osg-elY build targets to build from and to X instead of OLD; notify the software-discuss list of this change

  • Update the docker-osg-wn-client scripts to build from X (need direct push access)

    1. Update the constants in the genbranches script in the docker-osg-wn-scripts repo
    2. Update the branches in docker-osg-wn-client; a script like this ought to work:

      git clone [email protected]:opensciencegrid/docker-osg-wn-scripts.git
      git clone [email protected]:opensciencegrid/docker-osg-wn.git
      cd docker-osg-wn-scripts
      cd ../docker-osg-wn
      for bpath in ../docker-osg-wn-scripts/branches/*; do
          git checkout -b $b master && \
              mv $bpath && \
              git add && \
              git commit -m "Add branch $b"

      and then run a similar script to update the existing branches Check the results before pushing, and then run git push --all

    3. Update the arrays in update-all and osg-wn-nightly-build in docker-osg-wn-scripts

  • Update the default promotion route aliases in osg-promote

  • Update documentation again to reflect that X is now the main branch and OLD is the maintenance branch