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COManage Troubleshooting Guide

A resource for COManage administrators to find solutions to commonly encountered problems.

COManage Troubleshooting Items

This section contains some of the issues you may encounter when interacting with the OSG COManage.

The COManage petition is stuck in the "confirmed" state

This may happen if there are issues when confirming the user's email address. We have seen this occur if a user clicks the confirmation link then closes the tab too quickly.

  1. Under the People drop-down on the left, click on My Population

  2. Browse to the CO Person record.

  3. Scroll down to the Role Attributes, click the gear icon, select Edit, and set the status for the Role to Active.

  4. Verify that the overall status of the CO Person record is Active. If not, change it to Active as well.

  5. Click on Autogenerate Identifiers on the right, so that the necessary identifiers are created.

  6. Now that the necessary identifiers exist for the CO Person record, the LDAP DN can be computed and the record provisioned in LDAP. To make sure, click on Provisioned Services and then Provision.

The COManage petition is stuck in the "Approved" state

This may happen when the approver has internet issues while attempting to approve a CO Petition.

  1. Navigate to the Petitioner's CO Person page (this can be done directly from the CO Petition under the Attched Identities section).

  2. If the CO Person is missing identifiers of types UID and OSG ID, click Autogenerate Identifiers on the right side of the page.

  3. If, on the CO Person page, the CO Person's status and Role status are both Approved:

    1. In the Status dropdown in the Person Attributes section, change the CO Person's status to Active from Approved.

    2. Click on the gear icon for the CO Person's Role attribute, then click "Edit", this will bring you to the CO Person Role page

    3. On the CO Person Role page, set the Role Attribute Status to Active from Approved, then click save.

To verify that the fix worked, navigate back to the related CO Person page and click Provisioned Services near the Autogenerate Identifiers. Confirm that the Status column for every row says "Provisioned" instead of "Not Provisioned" (you may need to wait a few minutes and refresh the page).

Valid Tiger User is unauthorized with Dex credentials

Under certain circumstances Dex may not be able to match a user to their COManage identity, possibly due to incorrect and/or missing organization identities/identifiers.


  • Tiger-Dex credentials missing some or all of a users group permissions.
  • User unable to connect to the Tiger cluster.
  • Error message from Tiger involving an unauthorized user.

    • Example error message:

    kubectl get pods -n osg-dev

    Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "[email protected]" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "osg-dev""

  • Empty groups in the Dex response after logging in with SSO

Next actions

  1. Ensure that the user's LDAP record contains the attribute uid, which shares the same value as the COManage identifier used as a source for the LDAP provisioner target.
    • LDAP attributes and their COManage sources can be found here
  2. Have the user log in
  3. Have the user fetch a new Dex token

Explanation of SAML -> CILogon OIDC sub claim -> LDAP matching used in Dex.

How the OAuth2 server does the following:

  1. Receives appropriate SAML attributes from the campus Identity provider.
  2. Uses those attributes to find the user in the CILogon user database, from which the CILogon OIDC sub claim is obtained.
  3. Performs an LDAP search using a filter of (uid=<CILogon OIDC sub claim value>).
  4. Retrieves configured LDAP attributes from the record it has found, and sends those values out as claims with names as configured.