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COmanage Recipes

A collection of step-by-step instructions for OSG COmanage administrators.

Provisioning a CO Group in COManage

In order for a CO Group from COManage to show up in LDAP (and thus be made available for reference on hosts), it must first be provisioned.

Follow these steps to provision a CO Group into LDAP:

Create CO Group in COManage and add members (or use existing CO Group)

  1. If using an already existing group, skip to the next step. Navigate to the All Groups page in COManage and click the + Add Group button near the top-right.


    Give the group a name then click ADD, which will bring you to the Edit page for the new group


  2. Click on MEMBERS, then type in the name or identifier for a user you want to give membership to, then select the user from the drop-down and click the ADD button. Repeat as necessary for each group member. As the creator of the group you will already have both Membership in, and Ownership over, the new group. Remove yourself as appropriate.


A Note on Groups used for OIDC Authorization

If a CO Group is only being used for Authorization via OIDC clients (i.e. doesn't need to be accessed by LDAP or any special scripts), then it only needs to be created and have members added. Identifier assignment and Provisioning are not nessisary.

Find lowest unclaimed non-user OSG GID

Each group needs a unique OSG group ID number or OSG GID, assigned from the non-user range starting at 200000.

Run the following command on a host with ldapsearch capability (like ap40) to find the highest / most recently assigned OSG GID.

sudo ldapsearch -H ldaps:// -D uid=readonly_user,ou=system,o=OSG,o=CO,dc=cilogon,dc=org \
-w $(sudo awk '/ldap_default_authtok/ {print $3}' /etc/sssd/conf.d/0060_domain_CILOGON.ORG.conf) \
-b ou=groups,o=OSG,o=CO,dc=cilogon,dc=org -s one '(cn=*)' | grep "gidNumber" | sort | tail

Set OSG GID and OSG Group Name Identifiers

Navigate back to the PROPERTIES tab of Edit page for the group you are trying to provision, then click the + Add Identifier button.

  1. Add an Identifier of type OSG GID with a value one greater than the highest one assigned so far (found in the last step).
  2. Add an Identifier of type OSG Group Name with the group's name as it should appear in LDAP.


Create Unix Cluster Group

Each COManage Group needs a Unix Cluster Group in order to be provisioned.

  1. On COManage, navigate to Configuration -> Clusters -> Configure -> Manage Unix Cluster Groups -> + Add Unix Cluster Group
  2. Select the name of the Group you are trying to provision from the drop-down menu, then click ADD


Provision group

In the PROVISIONED SERVICES tab of the Edit page for the Group, click the ⚙ Provision button, then on Provision.


If all prior steps have been completed, you should get a message that the Group was successfully provisioned.