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OSG Technology Area Meeting, 24 September 2024


  • TimT Wed-Fri
  • Mat OOO Oct 14 - 29
  • BrianL OOO Oct 21 and 22

Triage Duty

Triage duty shifts Tue-Mon

  • This week: Mat
  • Next week: Matt
  • 6 (-1) open FreshDesk tickets
  • 0 (+0) open GGUS ticket

Jira (as of Monday morning) (TODO)

# of tickets Δ State
215 -1 Open
15 +0 Selected for Dev
31 -4 In Progress
17 +0 Dev Complete
4 +4 Ready for Testing
0 +0 Ready for Release

OSG Software Team

  • GGUS is going away

  • Link to open Topology CO petitions has been updated. Looks like the old link caused us to miss some registrations

  • OSG 24:

    • AI (BrianL): create spreadsheet of packages to release
    • AI (Matt): update GHA to build ARM OSPool EP containers
      • First pass at ARM build has many failures - no ARM cvmfsexec for el9
      • Should upgrade CUDA images from el8 to el9
    • AI (Mat): update osg-release


  • mem4000 can't run VMUniverse jobs due to libvirtd issues

Support Update

  • AI (Mat): Begin decomissioning


None this week

OSG Release Team

  • Ready for Release:
    • condor 23.10
    • condor 23.0.15
  • Ready for Testing:
    • xrootd-5.7.1
    • xrd-pelican-0.9.4
      • To test: install on ap40


  • HTCondor 24 not expected until mid-October