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OSG Technology Area Meeting, 3 September 2024


  • BrianB, BrianL, Derek, and Mat at IRIS-HEP Retreat this week

Triage Duty

Triage duty shifts Tue-Mon

  • This week: Matt
  • Next week: TimT
  • 7 (+0) open FreshDesk tickets
  • 0 (+0) open GGUS ticket

Jira (as of Monday morning) (TODO)

# of tickets Δ State
214 -3 Open
14 +0 Selected for Dev
34 +3 In Progress
17 +0 Dev Complete
7 +2 Ready for Testing
0 +0 Ready for Release

OSG Software Team

  • AI (BrianL): review Kuantifier docs

  • AI (Mat): Contribute VOMS patches upstream

  • AI (Matt)

    • EL9 repo
    • K8s hackathon: Set up new IceCube namespace in the UNL PATh Facility
    • Continuing OSG 24 setup
  • AI (TimT): verify that release scripts can handle multiple architectures; some changes will be necessary to enable aarch64


  • "opensciencegrid" project on Harbor has almost filled its quota; tag immutability rules and a critical bug in Harbor garbage collection make it difficult to clean up
    • A student may be starting later this month, to be supervised by Matt; writing scripts to assist Harbor image cleanup by using its API would be a good project for her

Support Update

  • LBL / ORNL (BrianL): assissting them set up their HTCondor-CE for ALICE
  • JLAB (Matt): credmon started working when run as root without their wrapper script
  • LIGO (Matt): stash-cache service now fails to start after SystemD overrides; the actual error is coming from the authfile-update script
  • OU (Mat): new xrootd-standalone setup failed to start xrootd due to 'CA errors'; the actual issue was that XRootD was configured to require CRLs and they were missing


None this week

OSG Release Team

None this week


None this week