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OSG Technology Area Meeting, 20 August 2024


  • Tim T out this week
  • Fermilab is closed next week

Triage Duty

Triage duty shifts Tue-Mon

  • This week: BrianL
  • Next week: ?
  • 7 (+4) open FreshDesk tickets
  • 0 (+0) open GGUS ticket

Jira (as of Monday morning)

# of tickets Δ State
220 +0 Open
14 -3 Selected for Dev
35 +3 In Progress
16 +0 Dev Complete
4 +3 Ready for Testing
2 +1 Ready for Release

OSG Software Team

  • AI (Matt): Kuantifier status

    • Cut a release candidate, coordinate testing with UNL
  • AI (Mat):

    • Koji ARM work is complete
    • K8s hackathon: NRP dev Flux integration
    • Move OSG voms patches upstream, drop support for voms
  • AI (Matt):

    • EL9 repo
    • K8s hackathon: Set up new IceCube namespace in the UNL PATh Facility
    • OSG 24 yubikeys, usb and paperkey backups
  • AI (Mat): Contribute VOMS patches upstream

  • Marco: GlideinWMS ARM packaging

    • Using noarch packages, works pretty well out of our x86_64 repos
    • Should attempt to pull from aarch64 repos instead


  • TimT currently running releases while on vacation, might need more robust back-up release process in place.

Support Update

  • AI (Matt): JLab CredMon issue
    • Able to start CredMon daemon as root but not from the condor_master. Need to follow up with HTCSS dev team


None this week

OSG Release Team

None this week


None this week