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OSG Technology Area Meeting, 23 July 2024


  • Tim out Thu/Fri

Triage Duty

Triage duty shifts Tue-Mon

  • This week: BrianL
  • Next week: Matt
  • 4 (+1) open FreshDesk tickets
  • 0 (+0) open GGUS ticket

Jira (as of Monday morning)

# of tickets Δ State
218 +3 Open
16 +1 Selected for Dev
29 -1 In Progress
16 +0 Dev Complete
1 -3 Ready for Testing
0 +0 Ready for Release

OSG Software Team

What's the process for adding patching XRootD in Pelican containers?

  • AI (Matt): Kuantifier
    • Deliverable due at the end of August
    • Status of NET2 and Prometheus auth?
    • Derive ProbeName from SUBMIT_HOST
    • nodeSelector + toleration support
    • AI (Matt): Ping collaborators
    • GHA from osg helm-charts repo
  • AI (TimT, Mat): Migrate various CHTC cron jobs (some of which are used for OSG Software) from moria to a new host
    • One job has been failing since 2022, reports failures to condor-util but the mailbox is full
  • AI (Mat): Set up ARM Koji builder
    • Need to updated systemd unit file, then create production builder VM
  • AI (Mat): EL9 repo
  • AI (BrianL): Purchase YubiKeys and USB hubs; USB hubs should have at least 4 ports


None this week

Support Update

  • GlideinWMS: Newly occurring issues with trust domain config
  • Receive config warning suggesting value be quoted
  • RT: Question from AWS Developer about installing HTCondor via annex


None this week

OSG Release Team

  • Ready for Testing
    • htcondor-ce
    • osdf-server-7.9.3
    • xrootd-5.7.0
    • igtf-ca-certs
  • Ready for Release
    • GlideinWMS 3.10.7


  • IGTF CA certs will be released next week due to the holiday
  • Full support periods for HTC23 and OSG23 are not fully aligned
    • Support for OSG 23 lasts several months longer
  • Marco has been using OSG noarch packages successfully in ARM