OSG Technology Area Meeting, 25 June 2024¶
- Coordinates: Conference: +1-415-655-0002, PIN: 146 266 9392, https://morgridge-org.zoom.us/j/91987518094 (password sent separately)
- Attending: Brian, Derek, Marco, Mat, Matt, Tim
- HTC24 in two weeks
- Derek out next week; will attend HTC24 Mon-Wed
- Marco will not be able to attend HTC24; Bruno will represent the GlideinWMS team, along with two students
Triage Duty¶
Triage duty shifts Tue-Mon
- This week: TimT
- Next week: Mat
- 10 (+3) open FreshDesk tickets
- 0 (+0) open GGUS ticket
Jira (as of Monday morning)¶
# of tickets | Δ | State |
215 | +3 | Open |
16 | -2 | Selected for Dev |
30 | +3 | In Progress |
16 | +0 | Dev Complete |
4 | +3 | Ready for Testing |
0 | +0 | Ready for Release |
OSG Software Team¶
Kubernetes Hackathon - Remaining repo work - Convert prod services in the osg namespace to EL9 - Check if there are any EL7 containers on Tempest - Turn off osgdev services on EL7
The "contact-repo" app is on OSG 3.6; if it needs updating, contact Nebraska folks about it.
"lightweight-issuer" is in the osgdev namespace but being used in production; it needs to be upgraded to EL9 and moved to the osg namespace. Derek will investigate.
GlideinWMS 3.10.7 has been released and built into osg-development
Support Update¶
BrianL: PATh Facility at UNL went down to expired Kubernetes certs. Our CoreDNS app uses an image that is no longer available.
BrianL: Assisting Huijun at UNL with HTCondor 23 upgrade; condor_status was failing due to the default security settings but a workaround was available.
Derek: Ticket regarding xrootd assistance was assigned to Operations but should be rerouted to Collaboration Support.
None this week
OSG Release Team¶
- Ready for Testing
- Nothing yet
- Ready for Release
- Nothing yet
None this week