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OSG Technology Area Meeting, 21 May 2024


  • Memorial day next Monday
  • Matt OOO May 24 afternoon, full day May 31

Triage Duty

Triage duty shifts Tue-Mon

  • This week: TimT
  • Next week: Mat
  • 5 (-2) open FreshDesk tickets
  • 0 (+0) open GGUS ticket

Jira (as of Monday morning)

# of tickets Δ State
225 -5 Open
22 +1 Selected for Dev
22 +0 In Progress
14 -1 Dev Complete
0 -2 Ready for Testing
3 +3 Ready for Release

OSG Software Team

Release: - XRootD fixes for Pelican

Yum Repo (Mat): - Next step: Write pungi config for koji integration

Kubernetes Gratia Probe (Matt): - Let's get this ready in some installable form for SWT2 this week


  • Code freeze for HTCondor 23.8 is this week; TimT to discuss tarball update policy with factory ops team. A new version of Pelican is not necessary since there have been no client/plugin changes released since Pelican 7.8.2

  • HTCondor-CE 23.8 will be put into osg-23-upcoming soon; this version disables support for legacy job route syntax, which is a breaking change. AI (TimT): Send a heads up with information about this, as well as how to use the provided migration script

  • GlideinWMS 3.10.7rc1 is being tested; no problems seen yet, so the final release is expected shortly.

Support Update

  • University of Chicago (BrianL): AP22 origin did not work due to mismatched signing key on disk vs HTCondor configuration. Nothing in XRootD origin logs, look key IDs
  • Topology (BrianL): Unknown projects in CE dashboard. Combination of unregistered projects in Topology (hence needing a quick turnaround time on them), misconfigured APs, and missing ProjectName attribute in Glideins


None this week

OSG Release Team

  • Ready for Testing
    • Nothing
  • Ready for Release
    • Nothing yet
  • Plan to release Condor 23.7.2 this week
    • Issues with Apptainer in GlideinWMS
  • Other miscellaneous issues:
    • AI (Matt): Issues with syncing condor testing repo to osg-upcoming-testing repos
    • Builds are failing for software-base in Alma 8/9


  • OSG-24: Need a Yubikey multiplexing solution
    • AI (Matt): Confirm that gpg-agent can handle two yubikeys on Linux
    • AI (Mat): Confirm that two yubikeys work on Windows