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OSG Technology Area Meeting, 14 May 2024


Triage Duty

Triage duty shifts Tue-Mon

  • This week: BrianL
  • Next week: TimT
  • 7 (+2) open FreshDesk tickets
  • 0 (-1) open GGUS ticket

Jira (as of Monday morning)

# of tickets Δ State
225 -5 Open
22 +1 Selected for Dev
22 +0 In Progress
14 -1 Dev Complete
0 -2 Ready for Testing
3 +3 Ready for Release

OSG Software Team

Kubernetes Hackathon this afternoon - AI (Matt): set up Traefik in OSDF and UWDF namespaces - AI (Mat): upgrade OSDF central services based on William's document - AI (BrianL): clean up services on River - AI (BrianL?): GlideIn Factory namespace stuff

Yum Repo (Mat): - Built pungi container - Next step: Write pungi config for koji integration

Kubernetes Gratia Probe (Matt): - Working with Ryan (kapel author) to clean up PR - Running into issues getting Gratia to run in non-privileged mode - Build pipeline: Issues with where to put the code/build pipeline, might just defer to manual build - Desired state: We want to be able to build from the Kapel repo via some config in the osg helm charts repo - Look at potential updates that Eduardo may have made (github: edubach) - May deadline

OSG Notify (Mat/Matt): - Facilitators need to send out weekly reminders for campus meetup - OSG Notify is not an ideal tool to do this given need to configure certificates - We can dump an email list via OSG Notify and put it in a more user friendly service


None this week

Support Update

AI (Matt W): Need to redeploy OSG Repo with the new mirrorlist after River DNS failure last week - Redeploy to tempest instead of river AI (Mat): Nick at NERSC having issues with 3rd party copy - Was able to resolve


None this week

OSG Release Team

  • Ready for Testing
    • Nothing
  • Ready for Release
    • Nothing yet
  • Plan to release Condor 23.7.2 this week
    • Issues with Apptainer in GlideinWMS
  • Other miscellaneous issues:
    • AI (Matt): Issues with syncing condor testing repo to osg-upcoming-testing repos
    • Builds are failing for software-base in Alma 8/9


  • OSG-24: Need a Yubikey multiplexing solution
    • AI (Matt): Confirm that gpg-agent can handle two yubikeys on Linux
    • AI (Mat): Confirm that two yubikeys work on Windows