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Writing OSG Documentation

Many OSG pages are written in markdown, built using MkDocs, and served via GitHub Pages. To contribute content, submit a pull request to the relevant GitHub repository, which are tagged with "mkdocs".

This document contains instructions, recommendations, and guidelines for writing OSG content.

Contributing Content

To contribute minor content changes (e.g., fixing typos, changing a couple of sentences), we recommend using the GitHub web interface to submit a pull request.

To contribute major content changes to one of the above OSG areas, make sure you and the machine you'll be working on meet the following requirements:

Preparing the git repository

Before making any content changes, you will need to prepare a local git clone:

  1. Fork and clone the GitHub repository that you'd like to contribute to

  2. Add the upstream Github repository as a remote. For example, if you are working on the User School 2018 pages:

    $ git remote add upstream

Previewing the pages

To preview the pages, start a MkDocs development server. The development server will automatically detect any content changes and make them viewable in your browser.

  1. cd into the directory containing the local clone of your GitHub fork

  2. Start a MkDocs development server to preview your changes:

    $ docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material:7.1.0

    To preview your changes visit localhost:8000 in the browser of your choice. The server can be stopped with Ctrl-C.

Making content changes

To contribute content to the OSG, follow these steps to submit a pull request with your desired changes:

  1. cd into the directory containing the local clone of your Github fork
  2. Create a branch based on a branch from the upstream repository:

    $ git fetch --all
    $ git checkout -b <BRANCH NAME> upstream/<UPSTREAM BRANCH NAME>

    Replace <BRANCH NAME> with a name of your choice and <UPSTREAM BRANCH NAME> with a branch name from the upstream repository. For example, instructors for the 2018 User School should use the materials branch:

    $ git checkout -b example_branch_name upstream/materials

    If you do not know which upstream branch to use, pick master.

  3. Make your changes in the docs/ directory of your local clone, following the style guide:

    • If you are making changes to an existing page:
      1. Open mkdocs.yml and find the location of the file relative to the docs/ directory
      2. Make your changes to that file and move onto the next step
    • If you are contributing a new page:

      1. Name the page. Page file names should be lowercase, - delimited, and concise but descriptive, e.g. or
      2. Place the page in the relevant sub-folder of the docs/ directory. If you are unsure of the appropriate location, note that in the description of the pull request.
      3. Add the document to the nav: section of mkdocs.yml in APA-style title case, e.g. - Migrating Documents to Markdown: 'software/'


        If mkdocs.yml contains does not contain a nav: section, add the above to the pages: section instead. This means that the repository is using an older version of MkDocs and will need to be transitioned to GitHub Actions.

      4. If you are writing site administrator documentation, following the suggested document layout

  4. If you haven't already, start a Mkdocs development server to preview your changes.

  5. Continue making changes until you are satisfied with the preview, then stage your changes in git:

    $ git add <YOUR FILE> <YOUR 2nd FILE>...<YOUR Nth FILE>

    Where <YOUR * FILE> is any file that contains changes that you'd wish to make. If you are adding a new page, one of the files should be mkdocs.yml.

  6. Commit your changes and push them to your Github fork:

    $ git commit -m "<DESCRIPTIVE COMMIT MESSAGE>"
    $ git push origin

    Where <DESCRIPTIVE COMMIT MESSAGE> is a meaningful short text that identifies the changes applied, it is a good practice, to concatenate the ticket number associated e.g. "Removing color macros (SOFTWARE-3739)"

  7. From your Github fork, submit a pull request

Document Layout

This section contains suggested layouts of externally-facing, site administrator documentation. The introduction is the only layout requirement for documents except for installation guides.


All documents should start with an introduction that explains what the document contains, what the product does, and why someone may want to use it. In the past, document introductions were included in About this... sections due to the layout of the table of contents. Since the table of contents is included in the sidebar this is unnecessary and introduction content should go directly below the title heading without any second-level headings.

The HTCondor-CE installation guide is an example that meet all of the above criteria.

Installation guides

In addition to the introduction above, installation documents should have the following sections:

  • Before Starting: This section should contain information for any prepatory work that the site administrator should do or consider before proceeding with the installation (example).
  • Installation: Procedural instructions that tell the user how to install the software (example)
  • Validation: How does the user make sure their installation is functional?

Optionally, the following sections should be included as necessary.

  • Overview: if the introduction becomes large and unwieldy, extract the details of what the product does into an overview section
  • Configuration: required configuration steps (example) as well as a sub-section for optional configurations. For long optional configuration sections, consider creating alist of contents at the top of the sub-section (example).
  • Troubleshooting: common issues that users encounter and their fixes
  • Reference: Details about configuration and log files, unix users, certificates, networking, links to relevant upstream documentation, etc. (example)

If any of the sections become too large, consider separating them out and linking to the new documents (example).

Tips for Writing Procedural Instructions

  • Title the procedure with the user goal, usually starting with a gerund; e.g.:

    Installing the Frobnosticator

  • Number all steps (as opposed to using bullets)

  • List steps in order in which they are performed

  • Each step should begin with a single-line instruction in plain English, in command form; e.g.:

    1. Make sure that the Frobnosticator configuration file is world-writable
  • If the means of carrying out the instruction is unclear or complex, include clarification, ideally in the form of a working example; e.g.: chmod a+x /usr/share/frobnosticator/frob.conf

  • Put clarifying information in separate paragraphs within the step

  • Put critical information about the whole procedure in one or more paragraphs before the numbered steps

  • Put supplemental information about the whole procedure in one or more paragraphs after the numbered steps

  • Avoid pronouns when writing technical articles or documentation e.g., install foo rather than install it.

  • Avoid superfluous statements like you will want, you want, you should e.g., install foo rather than you will want to install foo.

  • Use the imperative form in step-by-step instructions, e.g. install package foo rather than the package foo should be installed