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The SPT repo is handled by the experiment. The point of contact is Nathan Whitehorn. The structure follows a fairly simple pattern: py2-v1/<os_architecture>, py3-v1/<os_architecture>, etc. The initial indicates the python version (py2 vs py3) and then the version of the other dependencies, where v1 is the minimal version required to run the SPT code and ever increasing versions are newer versions of the dependencies. At the moment, v4 is the bleeding edge`. For each combination of python and dependency set version there will be a version delineated by OS version and CPU architecture.

Dependency List

gcc binutils python python-setuptools python-pip boost hdf5 netcdf fftw gsl gnuplot pgplot tcl bzip zlib xz cmake flac freetype cfitsio openblas globus-toolkit numpy scipy ipython jupyter pyfits astropy numexpr Cython matplotlib Sphinx tables urwid pyFFTW healpy spectrum tornado SQLAlchemy PyYAML ephem idlsave ipdb jsonschema h5py pandas line_profiler memory_profiler simplejson joblib lmfit