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Determining the Amount of Resources to Request in a Submit File

Learning Objectives

This guide discuses the following:

  • Best practices for testing jobs and scaling up your analysis.
  • How to determine the amount of resources (CPU, memory, disk space) to request in a submit file.


Much of HTCondor's power comes from the ability to run a large number of jobs simultaneously. To optimize your work with a high-throughput computing (HTC) approach, you will need to test and optimize the resource requests of those jobs to only request the amount of memory, disk, and cpus truly needed. This is an important practice that will maximize your throughput by optimizing the number of potential 'slots' in the OSPool that your jobs can match to, reducing the overall turnaround time for completing a whole batch.

This guide will describe best practices and general tips for testing your job resource requests before scaling up to submit your full set of jobs. Additional information is also available from the following "Introduction to High Throughput Computing with HTCondor" 2020 OSG Virtual Pilot School lecture video:

2020 VSP dHTC with HTCondor

Always Start With Test Jobs

Submitting test jobs is an important first step for optimizing the resource requests of your jobs. We always recommend submitting a few (3-10) test jobs first before scaling up. If you plan to submit thousands of jobs, you may even want to run an intermediate test of 100-1,000 jobs to catch any failures or holds that mean your jobs have additional requirements they need to specify.

Some general tips for test jobs:

  • Select smaller data sets or subsets of data for your first test jobs. Using smaller data will keep the resource needs of your jobs low which will help get test jobs to start and complete sooner, when you're just making sure that your submit file and other logistical aspects of jobs submission are as you want them.

  • If possible, submit test jobs that will reproduce results you've gotten using another system. This approach can be used as a good "sanity check" as you'll be able to compare the results of the test to those previously obtained.

  • After initial tests complete successfully, scale up to larger or full-size data sets; if your jobs span a range of input file sizes, submit tests using the smallest and largest inputs to examine the range of resources that these jobs may need.

  • Give your test jobs and associated HTCondor log, error, output, and submit files meaningful names so you know which results refer to which tests.

Requesting CPUs, Memory, and Disk Space in the HTCondor Submit File

In the HTCondor submit file, you must explicitly request the number of CPUs (i.e. cores), and the amount of disk and memory that the job needs to complete successfully, and identify a JobDurationCategory. When you submit a job for the first time, you may not know just how much to request and that's OK. Below are some suggestions for making resource requests for initial test jobs.

  • For requesting CPU cores start by requesting a single cpu. With single-cpu jobs, you will see your jobs start sooner. Ultimately you will be able to achieve greater throughput with single cpus jobs compared to jobs that request and use multiple cpus.

    • Keep in mind, requesting more CPU cores for a job does not mean that your jobs will use more cpus. Rather, you want to make sure that your CPU request matches the number of cores (i.e. 'threads' or 'processes') that you expect your software to use. (Most softwares only use 1 CPU core, by default.)

    • There is limited support for multicore work in OSG. To learn more, see our guide on Multicore Jobs

    • Depending on how long you expect your test jobs to take on a single core, you may need to identify a non-default JobDurationCategory, or consider implementing self-checkpointing.

  • To inform initial disk requests always look at the size of your input files. At a minimum, you need to request enough disk to support all of the input files, executable, and the output you expect, but don't forget that the standard 'error' and 'output' files you specify will capture 'terminal' output that may add up, too.

    • If many of your input and output files are compressed (i.e. zipped or tarballs) you will need to factor that into your estimates for disk usage as these files will take up additional space once uncompressed in the job.

    • For your initial tests it is OK to request more disk than your job may need so that the test completes successfully. The key is to adjust disk requests for subsequent jobs based on the results of these test jobs.

  • Estimating memory requests can sometimes be tricky. If you've performed the same or similar work on another computer, consider using the amount of memory (i.e. RAM) from that computer as a starting point. For instance, most laptop computers these days will have 8 or 16 GB of memory, which is okay to start with if you know a single job will succeed on your laptop.

    • For your initial tests it is OK to request more memory than your job may need so that the test completes successfully. The key is to adjust memory requests for subsequent jobs based on the results of these test jobs.

    • If you find that memory usage will vary greatly across a batch of jobs, we can assist you with creating dynamic memory requests in your submit files.

Optimize Job Resource Requests For Subsequent Jobs

As always, reviewing the HTCondor log file from past jobs is a great way to learn about the resource needs of your jobs. Optimizing the resources requested for each job may help your job run faster and achieve more throughput.

HTCondor will report the memory, disk, and cpu usage of your jobs at the end of the HTCondor .log file. The amount of each resource requested in the submit file is listed under the "Request" column and information about the amount of each resource actually utilized to complete the job is provided in the "Usage" column.

For example:

        Partitionable Resources :    Usage  Request Allocated
           Cpus                 :                 1         1
           Disk (KB)            :       12  1000000  26703078
           Memory (MB)          :        0     1000      1000
  • One quick option to query your log files is to use the Unix tool grep. For example: [user@login]$ grep "Disk (KB)" my-job.log The above will return all lines in my-job.log that report the disk usage, request, and allocation of all jobs reported in that log file.

    Alternatively, condor_history can be used to query details from recently completed job submissions. HTCondor's history is continuously updating with information from new jobs, so condor_history is best performed shortly after the jobs of interest enter/leave the queue.

Submit Multiple Jobs Using A Single Submit File

Once you have a single test job that completes successfully, the next step is to submit a small batch of test jobs (e.g. 5 or 10 jobs) using a single submit file. Use this small-scale multi-job submission test to ensure that all jobs complete successfully, produce the desired output, and do not conflict with each other when submitted together. Once you are confident that the jobs will complete as desired, then scale up to submitting the entire set of jobs.

Monitoring Job Status and Obtaining Run Information

Gathering information about how, what, and where a job ran can be important for both troubleshooting and optimizing a workflow. The following commands are a great way to learn more about your jobs:

Command Description
condor_q Shows the queue information for your jobs. Includes information such as batch name and total jobs.
condor_q <JobID> -l Prints all information related to a job including attributes and run information about a job in the queue. Output includes JobDurationCategory, ServerTime, SubmitFile, etc. Also works with condor_history.
condor_q <JobID> -af <AttributeName1> <AttributeName2> Prints information about an attribute or list of attributes for a single job using the autoformat -af flag. The list of possible attributes can be found using condor_q <JobID> -l. Also works with condor_history.
condor_q -constraint '<Attribute> == "<value>"' The -constraint flag allows users to find all jobs with a certain value for a given parameter. This flag supports searching by more than one parameter and different operators (e.g. =!=). Also works with condor_history.
condor_q -better-analyze <JobID> -pool <PoolName> Shows a list of the number of slots matching a job's requirements. For more information, see Troubleshooting Job Errors.

Additional condor_q flags involved in optimizing and troubleshooting jobs include:

Flag Description
-nobatch Combined with condor_q, this flag will list jobs individually and not by batch.
-hold Show only jobs in the "on hold" state and the reason for that. An action from the user is expected to solve the problem.
-run Show your running jobs and related info, like how much time they have been running, where they are running, etc.
-dag Organize condor_q output by DAG.

More information about the commands and flags above can be found in the HTCondor manual.

Avoid Exceeding Disk Quotas in /home and /protected

To prevent errors or workflow interruption, be sure to estimate the input and output needed for all of your concurrently running jobs. By default, after your job terminates HTCondor will transfer back any new or modified files from the top-level directory where the job ran, back to your /home directory. Efficiently manage output by including steps to remove intermediate and/or unnecessary files as part of your job.

Workflow Management

To help manage complicated workflows, consider a workflow manager such as HTCondor's built-in DAGman or the HTCondor-compatible Pegasus workflow tool.