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Control Where Your Jobs Run / Job Requirements

By default, your jobs will match any available slot in the OSG. This is fine for very generic jobs. However, in some cases a job may have one or more system requirements in order to complete successfully. For instance, your job may need to run on a node with a specific operating system.

HTCondor provides several options for "steering" your jobs to appropriate nodes and system environments. The request_cpus, request_gpus, request_memory, and request_disk submit file attributes should be used to specify the hardware needs of your jobs. Please see our guides Multicore Jobs and Large Memory Jobs for more details.

HTCondor also provides a requirements attribute and feature-specific attributes that can be added to your submit files to target specific environments in which to run your jobs.

Lastly, there are some custom attributes you can add to your submit file to either focus on, or avoid, certain execution sites.


The requirements attribute is formatted as an expression, so you can use logical operators to combine multiple requirements where && is used for AND and || used for OR. For example, the following requirements statement will direct jobs only to 64 bit RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 9 nodes.

requirements = OSGVO_OS_STRING == "RHEL 9" && Arch == "X86_64"

Alternatively, if you have code which can run on either RHEL 8 or 9, you can use OR:

requirements = (OSGVO_OS_STRING == "RHEL 8" || OSGVO_OS_STRING == "RHEL 9") && Arch == "X86_64"

Note that parentheses placement is important for controling how the logical operations are interpreted by HTCondor. If you are interested in seeing a list of currently available operating systems (these are just the default ones, you can create a custom container image if you want something else):

$ condor_status -autoformat OSGVO_OS_STRING | sort | uniq -c

Another common requirement is to land on a node which has CVMFS. Then the requirements would be:

requirements = HAS_oasis_opensciencegrid_org == True

x86_64 Micro Architecture Levels

The x86_64 set of CPUs contains a large number of different CPUs with different capabilities. Instead of trying to match on on individual attributes like the AVX/AVX2 ones in the previous section, it can be useful to match against a family of CPUs. There are currently 4 levels to chose from: x86_64-v1, x86_64-v2, x86_64-v3, and x86_64-v4. A description of the levels is available on Wikipedia.

HTCondor advertises an attribute named Microarch. An example on how make jobs running on the two highest levels is:

requirements = (Microarch >= "x86_64-v3")

Note that in the past, it was recommended to use the HAS_AVX and HAS_AVX2 attributes to target CPUs with those capabilities. This is no longer recommended, with the replacement being Microarch >= "x86_64-v3".

Additional Feature-Specific Attributes

There are many attributes that you can use with requirements. To see what values you can specify for a given attribute you can run the following command while connected to your login node:

$ condor_status -af {ATTR_NAME} | sort -u

For example, to see what values you can specify for the Microarch attribute run:

$ condor_status -af Microarch | sort -u

You will find many attributes will take the boolean values true or false.

Below is a list of common attributes that you can include in your submit file requirements statement.

  • Microarch - See above. x86_64-v1, x86_64-v2, x86_64-v3, and x86_64-v4

  • OSGVO_OS_NAME - The name of the operating system of the compute node. The most common name is RHEL

  • OSGVO_OS_VERSION - Version of the operating system

  • OSGVO_OS_STRING - Combined OS name and version. Please see the requirements string above on the recommended setup.

  • OSGVO_CPU_MODEL - The CPU model identifier string as presented in /proc/cpuinfo

  • HAS_CVMFS_oasis_opensciencegrid_org - Attribute specifying the need to access specific oasis /cvmfs file system repositories. Other common CVMFS repositories are HAS_CVMFS_singularity_opensciencegrid_org and project ones like HAS_CVMFS_xenon_opensciencegrid_org.

For GPU attribtues, such as GPUs' compute capability, see our GPU guide.

Non-x86 Based Architectures

Within the computing community, there's a growing interest in exploring non-x86 architectures, such as ARM and PowerPC. As of now, the OSPool does not host resources based on these architectures; however, it is designed to accommodate them once available. The OSPool operates under a system where all tasks are configured to execute on the same architecture as the host from which they were submitted. This compatibility is ensured by HTCondor, which automatically adds the appropriate architecture to the job's requirements. By inspecting the classad of any given job, one would notice the inclusion of (TARGET.Arch == "X86_64") among its requirements, indicating the system's current architectural preference.

If you do wish to specify a different architechure, just add it to your job requirements:

requirements = Arch == "PPC"

You can get a list of current architechures by running:

$ condor_status -af Arch | sort | uniq

Specifying Sites / Avoiding Sites

To run your jobs on a list of specific execution sites, or avoid a set of sites, use the +DESIRED_Sites/+UNDESIRED_Sites attributes in your job submit file. These attributes should only be used as a last resort. For example, it is much better to use feature attributes (see above) to make your job go to nodes matching what you really require, than to broadly allow/block whole sites. We encourage you to contact the facilitation team before taking this action, to make sure it is right for you.

To avoid certain sites, first find the site names. You can find a current list by querying the pool:

condor_status -af GLIDEIN_Site | sort -u

In your submit file, add a comma separated list of sites like:


Those sites will now be exluded from the set of sites your job can run at.

Similarly, you can use +DESIRED_Sites to list a subset of sites you want to target. For example, to run your jobs at the SU-ITS site, and only at that site, use:


Note that you should only specify one of +DESIRED_Sites/+UNDESIRED_Sites in the submit file. Using both at the same time will prevent the job from running.