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Finalizing New Cache Registration

Once a new cache is registered with OSG, there are additional operations tasks that must be performed before it is usable by clients.

The steps on this page are for OSG Operations; sysadmins should follow the cache registration document and open a support ticket to have these steps executed.

Un-Authenticated Cache

  1. Test to make sure the cache is working by executing the following:

    console $ curl Hello!

  2. Open a pull request to add the cache to (obsolete) file within the StashCache repo.

  3. Open a pull request adding the cache to CVMFS_EXTERNAL_URL in the (obsolete) file.

Authenticated Cache

For an authenticated cache, it will need to be added to the specific CVMFS configuration for the authenticated domain. For example, if it is a LIGO authenticated cache, it will need to be added to the CVMFS_EXTERNAL_URL within the file in the (obsolete) directory. A CMS authenticated cache will need to be added to the file

  1. Open a pull request adding the authenticated cache to CVMFS_EXTERNAL_URL in the appropriate domain configuration file within (obsolete).

  2. Coordinate with the VO to test that authorization works. As each VO is expected to export a different directory and require different authorizations, a custom test must be arranged each time.