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Apptainer/Singularity Containers in OSG


Apptainer (formerly Singularity) is a container system to allow users full control over their enviroment. You can create your own container image which your job will execute within, or choose from a set of pre-defined images. For more information about Singularity, please see:

The following talk describes Singularity for scientific computing:

Derek Weitzel wrote a blog post about Singularity on OSG, which provides a good introduction on how to create images and run them, but does not cover all the functionality described further down:

Default Image

The default setup is to auto load an image on sites which support Apptainer. Every job which lands on such a site, will have a container started just for that job, and then run within that container. Most users will not even know that their jobs are run within a container, but it will provide them with a consistent environment across OSG sites. The current default container is based on EL9 and contains a basic set of tools expected from OSG compute nodes. The image is loaded from /cvmfs/ and the definition file is available in GitHub . If you want to steer a job to run on a default Singularity instance, use HAS_SINGULARITY == True in the job requirements. For example:

universe = vanilla
executable =
Requirements = HAS_SINGULARITY == TRUE

should_transfer_files = IF_NEEDED
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

output = out
error = err
log = log


Note that the HAS_SINGULARITY variable is not defined in this training account, since it is just a light weight account, so we will comment it out for our exercises.

To instruct the system to load a different image, use the +SingularityImage attribute in your job submit file. For example, to run your job under Ubuntu 20, create a submit file named apptainer.submit:

universe = vanilla
executable =
#Requirements = HAS_SINGULARITY == TRUE

+SingularityImage = "/cvmfs/"
+SingularityBindCVMFS = True

should_transfer_files = IF_NEEDED
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

output = apptainer.out
error = apptainer.err
log = apptainer.log


The +SingularityImage attribute is also not defined in this training account, but since it starts with a +, it is simply ignored here.

As an example script to run, you can create the following shell script, named


apptainer exec /cvmfs/\:latest cat /etc/lsb-release

Don't forget to make it executable with chmod +x This script will invoke the Ubuntu 20 container with apptainer and run the command cat /etc/lsb-release, which returns the OS version of the container. So you can see that it returns 20.04, compared to 22.04 of the training machine.

This is just a very simple example. You can construct much more complex workloads or scripts to execute in apptainer.

The user support team maintains a set of images. These contain a basic set of tools and libraries. The images are are:

Image Location Defintion Description
EL 8 /cvmfs/ GitHub A basic Enterprise Linux (CentOS) 8 based image. This is currently our default image
EL 9 /cvmfs/ GitHub A basic Enterprise Linux (CentOS) 9 based image.
Ubuntu Xenial /cvmfs/ GitHub A good image if you prefer Ubuntu over EL flavors
TensorFlow /cvmfs/ GitHub Base on the TensorFlow base image, with a few OSG package added
TensorFlow GPU /cvmfs/ GitHub Used for running TensorFlow jobs on OSG GPU resources

The following is just for your information, as it will not work on these training accounts, you need a full fledged OSPool account to do these kinds of exercises. But they are useful to read through.

Exloring Images on the Submit Host

Images can be explored interactively on the submit hosts by starting it in "shell" mode. The recommended command line, similar to how containers are started for jobs, is:

apptainer shell \
            --home $PWD:/srv \
            --pwd /srv \
            --bind /cvmfs \
            --scratch /var/tmp \
            --scratch /tmp \
            --contain --ipc --pid \

Custom Images

OSG Connect provides tooling for users to create, publish and load custom images. This is useful if your job requires some very specific software setup.

Creating a Custom Image

If you want to use an image you have created yourself, the image should be defined as a Docker image and published in the Docker Hub. The reason we use Docker as a source image repository is that it allows us to easily import the images into our own distribution system (see below). To get started, create a Docker user, sign in to the hub, and create a new repository. You will end up with an identifier of the namespace/repository_name format.

Create an image locally using a Dockerfile and the docker build. We suggest you base the image on one of the provided OSG images. For example, if you want to base the image on our Ubuntu Xenial image, first download the Dockerfile from the GitHub repository.

Edit the Dockerfile to fit your requirements. Then build the image with tag matching your Docker Hub repository:

docker build -t namespace/repository_name .

Once you have a successful build, push it to the hub:

docker push namespace/repository_name

Then register the image as described in the next section.

If you prefer, you can base you image on images not already published by OSG, but if you do this, we recommend that you as one of the steps create the /cvmfs directory. This will enable the container to access tools and data published on /cvmfs. In your Dockerfile, add:

# required directories
RUN mkdir -p /cvmfs

See one of the provided image defintions for a full example.

If you do not want /cvmfs mounted in the container, please add +SingularityBindCVMFS = False to your job submit file.

Distributing Custom Images Via CVMFS

In order to be able to efficiently distribute the container images to a large of distributed compute hosts, OSG has choosen to host the images under CVMFS. Any image publically available in Docker can be included for automatic syncing into the CVMFS repository. The result is an unpacked image under /cvmfs/

To get your images included, please either create a git pull request against docker_images.txt in the cvmfs-singularity-sync repository, or contact [email protected] and we can help you.

Once your image has been registered, new versions pushed to Docker Hub will automatically be detected and CVMFS will be updated accordingly.


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