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Updating to OSG 24

OSG 24 (the new series) introduces support for the ARM architecture. Changes required to upgrade from OSG 23 are relatively minor. Please update all services to OSG 24 as soon as possible.

Updating the OSG Repositories

  1. Consult the relevant section for the service you're upgrading before updating the OSG Yum repositories:

  2. Clean the yum cache:

    root@host # yum clean all --enablerepo=*
  3. Remove the old series Yum repositories:

    root@host # yum erase osg-release

    This step ensures that any local modifications to *.repo files will not prevent installing the new series repositories. Any modified *.repo files should appear under /etc/yum.repos.d/ with the *.rpmsave extension. After installing the new OSG repositories (the next step) you may want to apply any changes made in the *.rpmsave files to the new *.repo files.

  4. Update your Yum repositories to OSG 24

  5. Update software:


    Because configuration updates will be necessary, be sure to turn off any OSG services before updating them. Consult the sections below that match your situation.

    :::console root@host # yum update


    • Please be aware that running yum update may also update other RPMs. You can exclude packages from being updated using the --exclude=[package-name or glob] option for the yum command.
    • Watch the yum update carefully for any messages about a .rpmnew file being created. That means that a configuration file had been edited, and a new default version was to be installed. In that case, RPM does not overwrite the edited configuration file but instead installs the new version with a .rpmnew extension. You will need to merge any edits that have made into the .rpmnew file and then move the merged version into place (that is, without the .rpmnew extension).
  6. Continue on to any update instructions that match the role(s) that the host performs.

Updating Container-based OSPool EP Deployments

In OSG 24, the opensciencegrid/osgvo-docker-pilot worker node docker image has been renamed to osg-htc/ospool-ep. To upgrade your docker-based worker nodes from OSG 23 to OSG 24, follow the sections below:

Via Docker Run

For sites running the container directly via docker, the EP container can be updated by changing the image name referenced in the docker run command. All other arguments to the docker run command may remain the same.

root@host # docker run <existing docker args>


For sites running the EP container via rpm installation, the container can be upgraded by updating the RPM.

  1. Install the OSG 24 Yum repositories

  2. Upgrade the ospool-ep rpm:

    root@host # yum install ospool-ep
  3. (Optional) Clean up /etc/osg/ospool-ep.cfg:

    • A bug in the OSG 23 release of ospool-ep required users to add a WORK_TEMP_DIR configuration field as a copy of the default WORKER_TEMP_DIR. When upgrading to OSG 24, remove the duplicated WORK_TEMP_DIR field.
  4. Restart the ospool-ep systemctl service:

    root@host # systemctl restart ospool-ep

Updating Your OSG Access Point

In OSG 24, some manual configuration changes may be required for an OSG Access Point (APs).


Consult the HTCondor upgrade section for details on updating your HTCondor configuration.

Restarting HTCondor

After updating your RPMs, restart your HTCondor service:

root@host # systemctl restart condor

Updating Your OSG Compute Entrypoint

The OSG 24 release series contains HTCondor-CE 24. HTCondor-CE 24 no longer accepts the original job router syntax. If you have custom job routes, you must use the new, more flexible, ClassAd transform job router syntax.

To upgrade your CE to OSG 24, follow the sections below.

Check for possible incompatibilities

  1. Ensure that you have the latest HTCondor installed (at least HTCondor 23.10.2 or HTCondor 23.0.17).

  2. Run the condor_ce_upgrade_check script and address any issues found.

  3. If you have added custom job routes, make sure that you convert any jobs routes to the new, more flexible, ClassAd transform syntax.

  4. If you have an HTCondor batch system, also run the condor_upgrade_check script and address any issues found.

  5. Also consult the upgrade documentation for more information.

Turning off CE services

  1. Register a downtime

  2. Before the update, turn off the following services on your HTCondor-CE host:

    root@host # systemctl stop condor-ce

Updating CE packages

For OSG CEs serving an HTCondor pool

If your OSG CE routes pilot jobs to a local HTCondor pool, also see the section for updating your HTCondor hosts

After turning off your CE's services, you may proceed with the repository and RPM update process.

Starting CE services

After updating your RPMs and updating your configuration, turn on the HTCondor-CE service:

root@host # systemctl start condor-ce

Updating Your HTCondor Hosts

HTCondor-CE hosts

Consult this section before updating the condor package on your HTCondor-CE hosts.

If you are running an HTCondor pool, consult the following instructions to update to HTCondor from OSG 23.

  1. Ensure that you have the latest HTCondor installed (at least HTCondor 23.10.2 or HTCondor 23.0.17).

  2. Run the condor_upgrade_check script and address any issues found.

  3. Also consult the HTCondor 24.0 upgrade instructions.

You may proceed with the repository and RPM update process.

Updating Your OSDF Origin

In OSG 24, the OSDF Origin has been updated to use the Pelican Platform. To update your OSG 23 OSDF Origin, follow the instructions below to minimize service disruptions.

  1. Before installing the OSG 24 Yum repositories, update your OSG packages (see warnings above):

    root@host # yum update
  2. Follow the documentation in the OSDF origin installation guide and watch out for upgrade-specific instructions.

Getting Help

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