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Supporting COVID-19 Research on the OSG


The instructions in this document are deprecated, as COVID-19 jobs are no longer prioritized.

There a few options available for sites with computing resources who want to support the important and urgent work of COVID-19 researchers using the OSG. As we're currently routing such projects through the OSG VO, your site can be configured to accept pilots that exclusively run OSG VO jobs relating to COVID-19 research (among other pilots you support), allowing you to prioritize these pilots and account for this usage separately from other OSG activity.

To support COVID-19 work, the overall process includes the following:

  1. Make the site computing resources available through a HTCondor-CE if you have not already done so.
    • You can install a locally-managed instance or ask OSG to host the CE on your behalf. If neither solution is viable, or you'd like to discuss the options, please send email to and we'll work with you to arrive at the best solution.
    • If you already provide resources through an OSG Hosted CE, skip to this section.
  2. Enable the OSG VO on your HTCondor-CE.
  3. Setup a job route specific to COVID-19 pilot jobs (documented below). The job route will allow you to prioritize these jobs using local policy in your site's cluster.
  4. (Optional) To attract more user jobs, install CVMFS and Apptainer on your site's worker nodes
  5. Send email to requesting that your CE receive COVID-19 pilots. We will need to know the CE hostname and any special restrictions that might apply to these pilots.

Setting up a COVID-19 Job Route

By default, COVID-19 pilots will look identical to OSG pilots except they will have the attribute IsCOVID19 = true. They do not require mapping to a distinct Unix account but can be sent to a prioritized queue or accounting group.

Job routes are controlled by the JOB_ROUTER_ENTRIES configuration variable in HTCondor-CE. Customizations may be placed in /etc/condor-ce/config.d/ where files are parsed in lexicographical order, e.g. JOB_ROUTER_ENTRIES specified in 50-covid-routes.conf will override JOB_ROUTER_ENTRIES in 02-local-slurm.conf.

For Non-HTCondor batch systems

To add a new route for COVID-19 pilots for non-HTCondor batch systems:

  1. Note the names of your currently enabled routes:

    condor_ce_job_router_info -config
  2. Add the following configuration to a file in /etc/condor-ce/config.d/ (files are parsed in lexicographical order):

     name = "OSG_COVID19_Jobs";
     GridResource = "batch slurm";
     TargetUniverse = 9;
     set_default_queue = "covid19";
     Requirements = (TARGET.IsCOVID19 =?= true);

    Replacing slurm in the GridResource attribute with the appropriate value for your batch system (e.g., lsf, pbs, sge, or slurm); and the value of set_default_queue with the name of the partition or queue of your local batch system dedicated to COVID-19 work.

  3. Ensure that COVID-19 jobs match to the new route. Choose one of the options below depending on your HTCondor version (condor_version):

    • For versions of HTCondor >= 8.8.7 and < 8.9.0; or HTCondor >= 8.9.6: specify the routes considered by the job router and the order in which they're considered by adding the following configuration to a file in /etc/condor-ce/config.d/:


      If your configuration does not already define JOB_ROUTER_ROUTE_NAMES, you need to add the name of all previous routes to it, leaving OSG_COVID19_Jobs at the start of the list. For example:

    • For older versions of HTCondor: add (TARGET.IsCOVID19 =!= true) to the Requirements of any existing routes. For example, the following job route:

       name = "Local_Slurm"
       GridResource = "batch slurm";
       TargetUniverse = 9;
       set_default_queue = "atlas;
       Requirements = (TARGET.Owner =!= "osg");

      Should be updated as follows:

       name = "Local_Slurm"
       GridResource = "batch slurm";
       TargetUniverse = 9;
       set_default_queue = "atlas;
       Requirements = (TARGET.Owner =!= "osg") && (TARGET.IsCOVID19 =!= true);
  4. Reconfigure your HTCondor-CE:

  5. Continue onto this section to verify your configuration

For HTCondor batch systems

Similarly, at an HTCondor site, one can place these jobs into a separate accounting group by providing the set_AcctGroup and eval_set_AccountingGroup attributes in a new job route. To add a new route for COVID-19 pilots for non-HTCondor batch systems:

  1. Note the names of your currently enabled routes:

    condor_ce_job_router_info -config
  2. Add the following configuration to a file in /etc/condor-ce/config.d/ (files are parsed in lexicographical order):

     name = "OSG_COVID19_Jobs";
     TargetUniverse = 5;
     set_AcctGroup = "covid19";
     eval_set_AccountingGroup = strcat(AcctGroup, ".", Owner);
     Requirements = (TARGET.IsCOVID19 =?= true);

    Replacing covid19 in set_AcctGroup with the name of the accounting group that you would like to use for COVID-19 jobs.

  3. Ensure that COVID-19 jobs match to the new route. Choose one of the options below depending on your HTCondor version (condor_version):

    • For versions of HTCondor >= 8.8.7 and < 8.9.0; or HTCondor >= 8.9.6: specify the routes considered by the job router and the order in which they're considered by adding the following configuration to a file in /etc/condor-ce/config.d/:

    • For older versions of HTCondor: add (TARGET.IsCOVID19 =!= true) to the Requirements of any existing routes. For example, the following job route:

       name = "Local_Condor"
       TargetUniverse = 5;
       Requirements = (TARGET.Owner =!= "osg");

      Should be updated as follows:

       name = "Local_Condor"
       TargetUniverse = 5;
       Requirements = (TARGET.Owner =!= "atlas") && (TARGET.IsCOVID19 =!= true);
  4. Reconfigure your HTCondor-CE:

  5. Continue onto this section to verify your configuration

Verifying the COVID-19 Job Route

To verify that your HTCondor-CE is configured to support COVID-19 jobs, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the OSG_COVID19_Jobs route appears with all of your other previously enabled routes:

    condor_ce_job_router_info -config

    Known issue: removing old routes

    If your HTCondor-CE has jobs associated with a route that is removed from your configuration, this will result in a crashing Job Router. If you accidentally remove an old route, restore the route or remove all jobs associated with said route.

  2. Ensure that COVID-19 jobs will match to your new job route:

    • For versions of HTCondor >= 8.8.7 and < 8.9.0; or HTCondor >= 8.9.6: OSG_COVID19_Jobs should be the first route in the routing table:

      condor_ce_config_val -verbose JOB_ROUTER_ROUTE_NAMES
    • For older versions of HTCondor: the Requirements expresison of your OSG_COVID19_Jobs route must contain (TARGET.IsCOVID19 =?= true) and all other routes must contain (TARGET.IsCOVID19 =!= true) in their Requirements expression.

  3. After requesting COVID-19 jobs, verify that jobs are being routed appropriately, by examining pilots with condor_ce_router_q.

Requesting COVID-19 Jobs

To receive COVID-19 pilot jobs, send an email to with the subject Requesting COVID-19 pilots and the following information:

  • Whether you want to receive only COVID-19 jobs, or if you want to accept COVID-19 and other OSG jobs
  • The hostname(s) of your HTCondor-CE(s)
  • Any other restrictions that may apply to these jobs (e.g. number of available cores)

Viewing COVID-19 Contributions

You can view how many hours that COVID-19 projects have consumed at your site with this GRACC dashboard.

Getting Help

To get assistance, please use this page.

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