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International Gravitational-Wave Observatory Network

Support areas for IGWN include data management, infrastructure (StashCaches, FTS service for Rucio managed third-party transfers), best practices for software and job management, and in-person participation in the Open Science - LIGO weekly meetings. The LIGO component of the IGWN collaboration has 119 institutions and universities in the US that make use of the Open Science distributed infrastructure for computing. LIGO is supported by the NSF award # PHY-2110594 for the LIGO Data Grid (LDG) and NSF award # PHY-1764464 for the LIGO Lab in computing, R&D, and operations. A detailed list of technical contacts and leads for the various workloads is maintained by the LIGO and Open Science group here. For general purpose data and job management, the lead is: James Clark [email protected]

Weekly IGWN-PATh meeting

Topic: PATh-IGWN technical call Time: 11:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Every week on Thur

Join Zoom Meeting: TB-updated

Weekly IGWN Production meeting

Time: 9:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Every Week on Thu

Links to be updated. Currently access is only restricted to people with ligo credentials.

Weekly IGWN Condor meeting

TB updated