Thursday Exercise 1.2: Run a simple quickstart job on OSG Connect

For this exercise, you can also follow the online guide from the OSG Connect helpdesk that will acquaint you with submission on the OSG Connect submit server. Please use the submit host instead of for the workshop.


SSH into (the OSG Connect submit server for this workshop).

Get the files for quickstart example

We will get the example files using the tutorial command.

username@training $ tutorial quickstart

This creates a directory tutorial-quickstart. Go inside the directory tutorial-quickstart and see what is inside.

username@training $ cd tutorial-quickstart
username@training $ ls -F 

You will see the following contents:

Images/  osg-template-job.submit  tutorial02.submit log/   tutorial01.submit  tutorial03.submit

We will focus our attention on (execution file) and tutorial01.submit. We will not worry about other files in this exercise. Feel free to take a look at other files if you are interested.

Job Execution File

Take a look at the job execution file

username@training $ cat 

This is a shell script, quite ordinary. Run this shell script locally to see what it does.

username@training $ chmod +x 
username@training $ ./ 

Submitting the job on the OSG

The job description file tutorial01.submit executes the shell script as a vanilla universe job. Take a look at the job description file.

username@training $ cat tutorial01.submit 

Now run this job on the OSG.

username@training $ condor_submit tutorial01.submit 

Once your job has finished, you can look at the files that HTCondor has returned to the working directory. If everything was successful, it should have returned:

job.output (An output file for each job's output)
job.error: (An error file for each job's errors)
job.log: (A log file for each job's log)

Read the output file.

username@training $ cat job.output 

Observe the difference between the outputs from running the job on the OSG and running locally. (Hint: Check the username, id, work directory etc.)