2017 OSG User School Materials


Monday Morning: Introduction to HTC

Monday Morning: More HTCondor

Monday Afternoon: Retrying jobs and Workflows with DAGMan

Monday Afternoon: Intermediate Workflows with DAGMan


Tuesday Morning: Introduction to Distributed HTC and Overlay Systems

Tuesday Morning: Comparing Local and Remote HTC

Tuesday Afternoon: Security in OSG

Tuesday Afternoon: Troubleshooting jobs

Tuesday Afternoon: Connecting to OSG


Wednesday Morning: Software Portability

Wednesday Morning: Software Limitations

Wednesday Afternoon: On Your Own


Thursday Morning: OSG Connect

Thursday Morning: Data Handling

Thursday Afternoon: Data Handling (continued)

Thursday Afternoon: Data Handling (continued)

The submit host user-training.osgconnect.net will be active for about two weeks. For long term use, please sign up for OSG Connect. If you have any questions about the signup process, please email user-support@opensciencegrid.org


Friday Morning: From Science to Production Workflows

Friday Morning: From Science to Production Workflows

Friday Afternoon: HTC Showcase

Friday Afternoon: Foundations of HTC

Friday Afternoon: Wrap Up